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Online Device Control

license DOI OpenSSF Best Practices


The Online Device Control project control/communicate with a graph (topology) of FairMQ devices using DDS or PMIx (under development)

The project containes a library and several executables:

  • The core library odc-core-lib.
  • The gRPC server odc-grpc-server is a sample implementation of the server based on the odc-core-lib.
  • The gRPC client odc-grpc-client is a sample implementation of client.
  • The CLI server odc-cli-server is another sample implementation of the server which doesn't require gRPC installation.

Communication between odc-grpc-server and odc-grpc-client is done via gRPC. The interface of the odc-grpc-server is described in the odc.proto file.

Command Mapping

Command ODC reaction
Initialize Create a new DDS session or attach to an existing DDS session
Submit Submit DDS agents (deploys a dynamic cluster) according to a specified computing resources. Can be called multiple times in order to submit more DDS agents (allocate more resources).
Activate Activate DDS topology (devices enter Idle state)
Run Combine Initialize, Submit and Activate commands. A new DDS session is always created.
Update Updates a topology (up or down scale number of tasks or any other topology change). It consists of 3 commands: Reset, Activate and Configure. Can be called multiple times.
Configure Transition devices into Ready state (via InitDevice -> CompleteInit -> Bind -> Connect -> InitTask transitions)
SetProperties Change devices configuration
GetState Get current aggregated state of devices
Start Transition devices into Running state (via Run transition)
Stop Transition devices into Ready state (via Stop transition)
Reset Transition devices into Idle state (via ResetTask -> ResetDevice transitions)
Terminate Shut devices down via End transition
Shutdown Shutdown DDS session
Status Show statuses of managed partitions/sessions

3-rd party dependencies

For macOS we recommend to install gRPC via brew which also installs Protobuf and other dependencies:

brew install grpc

Installation form source

git clone
cd ODC && mkdir build && cd build
make install

If dependencies are not installed in standard system directories, you can hint the installation location via -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=... or per dependency via -D{DEPENDENCY}_ROOT=.... {DEPENDENCY} can be BOOST, DDS, Protobuf, gRPC, FairMQ, FairLogger (*_ROOT variables can also be environment variables).

In order to build without Protobuf and gRPC dependencies one has to explicitly disable building of odc-grpc-server and odc-grpc-client via cmake command line options -DBUILD_GRPC_CLIENT=OFF and -DBUILD_GRPC_SERVER=OFF.

CMake command line options

  • -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF disables building of tests.
  • -DBUILD_GRPC_CLIENT=OFF disables building of gRPC client.
  • -DBUILD_GRPC_SERVER=OFF disables building of gRPC server.
  • -DBUILD_CLI_SERVER=OFF disables building of CLI server.
  • -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF disables building of examples.
  • -DBUILD_PLUGINS=OFF disables building of plugins.
  • -DBUILD_INFOLOGGER=ON enables InfoLogger support.

Installation with aliBuild

Alternatively, ODC and 3-rd party dependencies can be installed using aliBuild:

git clone
aliBuild --default o2-dataflow build ODC

Basic usage

Start odc-grpc-server in foreground:

export PATH=[INSTALL_DIR]/bin:$PATH && odc-grpc-server

Start odc-grpc-client in a different terminal:

export PATH=[INSTALL_DIR]/bin:$PATH && odc-grpc-client

Alternatively, if gRPC is not installed, start odc-cli-server in foreground:

export PATH=[INSTALL_DIR]/bin:$PATH && odc-cli-server

By default this example uses localhost plugin of DDS and topologies installed in INSTALL_DIR/share/odc.

The basic sequence of commands for interactive mode:

.submit --plugin odc-rp-same -r "<rms>localhost</rms><agents>1</agents><slots>36</slots>"
.activate --topo INSTALL_DIR/share/odc/ex-topo-infinite.xml

The full list of available commands is printed on start of odc-grpc-client and odc-cli-server. Most of the commands have additional options. Use --help to print help message with a list of available options, i.e. .start --help.

A sequence of requests can also be executed in a batch mode using --batch option of odc-grpc-client and odc-cli-server. The sequence of commands can be set via --cmds or --cf options. --cmds accepts an array of commands together with command line options seperated by space. For example, initializing and shutting down two partitions (sessions) in batch mode:

odc-grpc-client --batch --cmds ".init --id a1b2" ".init --id c3d4" ".down --id a1b2" ".down --id c3d4"

--cf accepts a filepath to the confiuration file with a list of commands, i.e.:

odc-grpc-client --batch --cf /path/to/my/file.cfg

Each line in a configuration file represents a single command. An example can be found here.

.batch command is also available in interactive mode allowing to execute a common set of command pipelines with less typing. The command also accepts either --cmds or --cf options.


Alternatively, start the ODC server as a background daemon (in your user session):


# After installation, execute once
systemctl --user daemon-reload
# Then control odc-grpc-server via
systemctl --user start/stop/status odc
# View server logs
journalctl --user-unit odc [-f]

One can also use systemd-run to start the ODC server:

systemd-run --user --unit=odc odc-grpc-server


# TODO Someone on a mac verify this or correct, and find out where logs end up
# See Also, I guess there are GUIs on Mac to do this too?
launchctl load/unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/de.gsi.odc.plist
launchctl start/stop de.gsi.odc-grpc-server

Find more details on the usage of the systemctl/systemd-run/launchctl commands in the manpages of your system.


  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Examples
  3. Release notes
  4. Resource plugins