How might we create a scalable tech-enabled ministry model for Searching4hope to meet the growing needs of an increasingly desperate world? How can we create a scalable, automated solution for creating websites for domains found and purchased that contain content that points the seekers to a Christ centered message as an alternative for what they were originally looking for.
- See Issues for future work *
Companion project:
- AWS S3, to store and serve the static website
- Terraform, to automate the creation of the S3 buckets
- Python, to create CName entries in Domain Name Host
- How to Host a Website on S3 Without Getting Lost in the Sea
- Hosting a static website using Amazon S3
- Tutorial: Configuring a static website on Amazon S3
- Terraform
- Terraform Learn: AWS Infrastructure
- Terraform AWS Provider
- Customize Terraform Configuration with Variables
- Set values with a .tfvars file
- Set values with environment variables