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Event Sourcing in Elixir

Mostly just a pet project that I am creating to learn Elixir. Still a work in progress.

Setup Instructions

You need a Postgres database running on localhost:5432 which has a user with username postgres and password postgres.

Run mix ecto.setup to create the schemas.

Run mix phx.server to run the application.

Go to http://localhost:4000/graphiql and execute graphql queries.

Folder Structure

├── entities     -> Code for the Event Sourcing library. The central component is the Entity macro.
├── example      -> Example usage of the Entity macro in the ShoppingList Entity.
└── example_web  -> Graphql that consumes the ShoppingList Entity.


An Entity is a struct that must have at least these fields id, type, version. The version will be the number of events that were persisted to the event log of that Entity. To obtain the current state of the Entity we run all the events through the apply_event/3 function (see below).

The Entity macro

Creating a new Entity

The ShoppingList.Entity is an example of usage of the Entity macro.

defmodule Example.ShoppingList.Entity do
  use Entities.Entity

To use the Entity macro you have to implement the following callbacks:

get_entity_type() :: String.t().
It should return an arbritary string that will be added to the entity_type column in the entities, entity_actions and entity_events tables.

def get_entity_type(), do: "shopping_list"

get_entity_struct() :: struct()
Returns the module that defines the struct for this Entity.
It is done this way so that you can have one module that defines the struct and the public API and another module that uses the Entity macro and dispatches the actions and events.

def get_entity_struct(), do: ShoppingList.__struct__()

handle_action(context :: any, state :: any, action :: any) :: list(any).
It receives the current state of the entity and an action and it should return a list of events. This is where all the validation logic should be. This callback will be executed only once for each action that is received.

def handle_action(%Context{} = _context, %ShoppingList.Entity{} = _state, %SetName{name: name}) do
  [%NameChanged{name: name}]

apply_event(context :: any, state :: any, event :: any) :: any.
It receives the current state of the Entity and an Event and it should return the changed Entity state. This should have only straight forward transformation from the old to the new state. This callback will be executed every time the Entity is loaded into memory.

def apply_event(%Context{} = _context, %ShoppingList.Entity{} = state, %NameChanged{name: name}) do
  %ShoppingList.Entity{state | name: name}

project_event(context :: any, before_event :: any, event :: any, before_event :: any) :: any.
It receives the state of the Entity before the event, the event and the state of the Entity after the event. This callback will be executed only once when the event is being persisted.
This callback gives you the opportunity to persist the change described by the event to the database in the same database transaction that persists the action and the events. You can use that to create an internal read model that is always consistent. This allows you to leverage database constraints to ensure cross entity business rules are obeyed.
For example: If you want to make sure the shopping list names are unique, you can just have a shopping_lists table with a unique index in the name column and update that table in this callback.
A more traditional approach is to have a separate process reading from the event log and projecting the events to a read model and creating compensanting transactions if something goes wrong.
This is the only option you have if your event log is persisted to Kafka or something similar. Givan that we are persisting the events to Postgres there is no reason to not take advantage of the fact that we can have a read model that is always consistent and not only eventually consistent.

  def project_event(
        %Context{} = _context,
        %ShoppingList.Entity{} = _before_event,
        %NameChanged{} = _event,
        %ShoppingList.Entity{} = after_event
      ) do
          |> Tables.ShoppingListTable.changeset(%{id:, name:})
          |> Repo.update!()

handle_create(context :: any, id :: integer, args :: any) :: any.

It receives the Entity ID and arguments and it should return an action. This action will be later sent to handle_action. The args parameters is the same that was passed to the create function (see below). The id will be generated when the create function is called.

Entity API

This is the public API of every Entity:

def create(context, args).

It receives the request context and arguments and it creates an instance of that Entity.

ps: context has always a hardcoded value for now. It will have information such as the userId and the requestId in the future.

def get(entity, context) when is_pid(entity).

It receives the pid of the process for a given Entity instance, the request context and it returns the Entity.

def send_action(entity, context, action) when is_pid(entity)

It receives the pid of the process for a given Entity instance, the request context and an action and it returns the changed Entity.

Finding the process for an Entity

To find the process for a given Entity instance you should use the entity_process/3 function from the Entities.Supervisor module.

pid = Entities.Supervisor.entity_process(

Check the resolvers for an example of usage of the Supervisor and the Entity API.

Entity Guarantees

  • Every Entity instance will be its own process. That guarantees that the calls to send_action/3 will be serialized and executed one after the other.
  • When the Entity process is created, the Entity will be loaded to the memory. That is done by getting all the events for that Entity and running the apply_event/3 callback. Subsequent calls to get/3 will be served data from the cache.
  • The Entity will remain in memory until there is no read or write operation for more than 60 seconds. At that point the process will stop itself and the memory will be released. Before doing that, if the entity was changed, the current state of the Entity will be persisted for the snapshot colum of the entities table, the next time the entity is loaded the snapshot will be used as the starting point.
  • Every time an action, and the events generated by it, are persisted to the database, we make sure that the version of the Entity in the database is the one we have in memory.

Entities Database Schema

The entities table will have one row per Entity, it has the information about what is the current version of that Entity, i.e. the number of events that were persisted for that Entity.

  create table(:entities, prefix: "entities") do
    add(:version, :bigint, null: false)
    add(:type, :string, null: false)

The entity_events has one row per event. The entity_version column is the version the Entity was when that event was persisted.

  create table(:entity_events, prefix: "entities") do
    add(:entity_id, references(:entities), null: false)
    add(:entity_type, :string, null: false)
    add(:entity_version, :bigint, null: false)
    add(:type, :string, null: false)
    add(:payload, :map, null: false)
    add(:created_by, :bigint, null: false)
    add(:action_id, references(:entity_actions), null: false)

  create(unique_index(:entity_events, [:entity_id, :entity_version], prefix: "entities"))

The entity_actions table is used only for debugging. It is often useful to know what was the action that generated a given event.

    create table(:entity_actions, prefix: "entities") do
      add(:entity_id, references(:entities), null: false)
      add(:entity_type, :string, null: false)
      add(:type, :string, null: false)
      add(:payload, :map, null: false)
      add(:created_by, :bigint, null: false)

Future Work

  1. Create a send_actions method that receives an array of actions and persist them all in the same database transaction.
  2. Create a way to persist actions to multiple entities in the same database transaction (I have done that in a previous project and it is very useful if used with caution).
  3. Create an abstraction to have separate read models that are eventually consistent.
  4. Create an implementation of the Saga pattern for long running operations.
  5. Create a way to allow a client to subscribe to changes of a given entity.


Example implementation of Event Sourcing in Elixir






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