The code for this project was developed during my master studies at TU Munich. I have graduated since then and unfortunately I currently don't have the time to provide support for this project. I will leave the documentation and code online, but please note that they are provided as is.
The Data Processing Pipeline (dpp) library was developed to help machine learning researchers working with large training sets of image data in general and medical imaging data in particular to easily set-up, structure, and change their pre-processing during experiments.
The Data Processing Pipeline is organized into transformations. Each transformation does exactly one thing. One transformation might clip all values to a certain range, while another might rotate an image. The functions that define a transformation actually set up a generator that reads from a Python iterator (or generator) and applies the transformation to each of its input. This means that a pipeline can be used with any other iterator and can be used like any other iterator, for example, you can iterate through all elements using a for-loop. This structure creates very readable, easily adaptable code.
The documentation is available in html form under docs/index.html.
Clone the git repository in a directory of your choise:
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ git clone
Add the directory to your Python path, either temporarily:
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/directory/of/your/choice/data-processing-pipeline/
Or permanently:
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ SITEDIR=$(python -c 'import site; site._script()' --user-site)
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ mkdir -p "$SITEDIR"
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ echo "/directory/of/your/choice/data-processing-pipeline/" > "$SITEDIR/dpp.pth"
See if everything works:
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ python -c 'import dpp; print(dpp.__version__)'
If instead you see something like this:
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ python -c 'import dpp; print(dpp.__version__)'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named dpp
Check your PYTHONPATH variable and make sure that it actually points to the directory that contains the dpp folder, not to the dpp folder itself:
bash:/directory/of/your/choice/$ echo $PYTHONPATH
Defining a pipeline is dead simple. Simply list all the transformations you would like to perform on your data. Each transformation reads from the previous node in the pipeline, a Python generator, transforms the data, and then yields the transformed data. This means, that any node can be used like any other Python iterator, e.g. in a for-loop. Here is a little example:
import dpp
with dpp.Pipeline() as pipe:
# Load slices
node = dpp.reader.file_paths(train_data_dir, input_identifier=input_identifier, ground_truth_identifier=ground_truth_identifier, random=False, iterations=1)
node = seg.medical.load_slice(node)
# Random rotation then crop to fit
node = seg.random_rotation(node, probability=1.0, upper_bound=180)
# Random transformations
node = seg.random_resize(node, [256, 256], probability=1.0, lower_bound=0.8, upper_bound=1.1, default_pixel=-100., default_label=0)
node = seg.random_translation(node, probability=0.5, border_usage=0.5, default_border=0.25, label_of_interest=1, default_pixel=-100., default_label=0)
# Adjust colours and labels
node = seg.clip_img_values(node, -100., 400.)
node = seg.fuse_labels_greater_than(node, 0.5)
# Prepare as input
node = seg.transpose(node)
for (inputs, parameters) in pipe:
# do something with the data
By convention, the data is a tuple of a list of inputs and a dictionary of parameters. For segmentation tasks the first element in the list of inputs is the actual input, while the second element is the ground truth.
See the documentation for a list of all available transformations.