An application that organizes a tech conferences with various types of events and roles for the users. The focus was on OOP with Java while following Clean Architecture, SOLID Principles and Design Patterns. Other notable features include an AWS RDS MySQL DB and connected to it via a Java.SQL and GUI component following Model View Controller using JavaFX.
Fenil Patel
Adam Paslawski
Chelsea Mitchell
Warren Liu
Insung Youn
Zexi Lv
Daniel Dizon
- We implemented a GUI with JavaFX, with an inbuilt MVC model, replacing the original command line interface. This command line interface has been kept in the classes ControllerMainLoop and ControllerMenu, but have not been updated or fixed for phase 2. Controller presenter separation was achieved through JavaFX's architecture.
- We used an AWS RDS MySQL DB and connected to it via a Java.SQL Gateway class. The AWS RDS mySQL database provided for total coverage and storage of our core entities and data.
- For an additional user type, we implemented an Admin, who can remove or cancel events, or completely delete messages
- We also implemented a feedback system that provides feedback for the app anonymously that demonstrates the extendability of our program, which provides a data export for actors who need it.
- Packaging wise, we used a clean architecture layer packaging system except the GUI, which we believed was best to be packaged separate to the rest of the program as its role is very focused.
- Go to File ->
- project structure->
- libraries->
- Click the little "+" symbol
- ->maven->
- "mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.11"
- This will setup the driver for the JDBC connection to the MySQL database
- To run the program, navigate to /src/GUI/
- Execute the run through an IDE or through the command line
- Our program's access point is through DisplayMain
- All options will be provided on the GUI for testing.
- The write ups will be contained within the folder labeled WriteUps
- The UML will be included within the UML Diagrams package.
- To contact us, please see our contact information on MarkUs
- For many of our classes, to follow a MVC architecture or use functionality, we had to use dependency inversion.
- Dependency injection in places helped us encapsulate code and speed up development
- We packaged by Clean Architecture layer in order to enforce dependency rules and invert when necessary.
- Design patterns were only introduced when they did not overcomplicate the code or provide for useless functionality.
Happy exploring!