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Festcat clunits template

This template allows building a clunits Catalan voice.


The dependencies are splitted in two groups. The downloadable dependencies are dependencies that can be downloaded from the Internet easily. On the other hand, you should provide some recordings and the prompts in festival format.

Downloadable dependencies

  1. Speech tools 2.1
  2. Festival 2.1
  3. Festvox 2.4
  4. upc_ca_base
  5. A voice similar to your recordings (i.e: pep):

Prompts and recordings

  1. Prompts in festival format (you may check some in upc_ca_prompts)
  2. Recordings (currently this has been tested with 16kHZ, 16 bit wav recordings)

Downloading and compiling dependencies:

If you have not downloaded this package, you may want to run:

    mkdir workdir
    cd workdir
    unzip || exit 1
    cd festcat-clunits-builder-master

Download and install the festival suite:

    ./train_voice "festival_suite"

The basic Catalan package:

    ./train_voice "festcat_base"

Install a similar voice to your already existing recordings. This voice is used as a reference for the phonetic labelling.

    ./train_voice "festcat_closest_voice" "upc_ca_pep_clunits"

Setting the template parameters for your voice:

Now the system needs to know information from your speaker. This includes a name for the new voice, its gender and some path settings. By now you should decide/know:

  • The new name for your voice (i.e. pol)
  • The gender of your speaker (i.e. male)
  • The dialect of your speaker (i.e. central)
  • A similar similar voice to the one you recorded (i.e. upc_ca_pep_clunits)
  • The path to your prompt file in festival format
  • The path to your recordings in 16kHz and 16bit wav format.

Use the following syntax (I know the --enable-festivalpath is not consistent with the rest of the arguments, that might be changed in the future):

    INST="upc" VOX="pol" GENDER="male" DIALECT="central" \
    CLOSESTVOICE="upc_ca_pep_clunits" \
    PROMPTS="/promptsdirectory/" \
    WAVDIR="/actualrecordings/wav" \
    ./train_voice "configure_template"

Creating the synthetic clunits voice:

If the "Closest voice" has the same dialect than your speaker

If you type make everything will be done. But it's better if you run it step by step understanding what is happening:

    make setup 
    make prompts
    make labs
    make utts
    make pm
    make mcep
    make clunits

If the "Closest voice" has a different dialect than your speaker

WORK IN PROGRESS: How things work

The label files should relate the phonemes to the second they appear in the recording.

In a setup where both speaker and closest voice dialects are equal, label files are generated for the closest voice during the make prompts step and then the timings are used as an initial estimation to align the phonemes to your recordings. The alignment takes place on the make labs step.

In a cross-dialect setup, we have two dialects:

  • Speaker dialect
  • Closest voice dialect.

For the speaker dialect we know the phoneme transcription (i.e. computed automatically with previously trained LTS rules) and we want to predict the time at which each phoneme is pronounced in the recordings.

For the closest voice dialect, we know the phoneme transcription and we know the timings.

As both dialects are different, both phoneme transcriptions are different and we cannot use the timings from the closest voice as an initial estimation of the recordings.

We need to build a map which converts one phoneme transcription in the other. (Manual work is also possible)

Here is an outline of the required steps:

    make setup 
    make prompts
    make prompts-dialect
    SOME MAGIC_TO_MERGE_prompt-lab_AND_prompt-lab-dialect (Not yet implemented)
    make labs
    make pre-utts-dialect
    make utts
    make pm
    make mcep
    make clunits

About the magic step:

This is not yet implemented. You have two directories:

  • prompt-lab: A directory with the phonetic transcription and segmentation of prompt-wav in the "closest voice dialect".
  • prompt-lab-dialect: A directory with the phonetic transcription but not the segmentation of prompt-wav , in the "speaker dialect".

In prompt-lab there should be: A directory with the phonetic transcription and segmentation of prompt-wav in the "speaker dialect".


This step copies the necessary files from festvox, the recordings and the text prompts (in festival format) to the template directory.


This step uses the reference voice to synthesize the text prompts. A phonetic labelling reference will be generated in prompt-lab directory.


This step fits the new recordings (in wav directory) to the synthesized labels (in prompt-lab directory). As the alignment algorithm is not very robust to dialectal and other changes, you may want to check the labelling result (available at lab directory) with wavesurfer.

Checking labels with wavesurfer:

  1. Install wavesurfer (in Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install wavesurfer)
  2. Open wavesurfer (in Debian/Ubuntu you will probably need padsp wavesurfer)
  3. Open Wave file
  4. Right click -> Create Pane -> Transcription
  5. Right click on transcription pane -> Load transcription -> Choose lab file.

Alternatively you can just put lab and wav files together in a single directory. Then wavesurfer will find label file automatically.


This step merges the segmentation information from the aligned labels with the prompt-utt files to generate the final utt files which can be used by festival. These .utt files are available at the festival/utts subdirectory and are required for building HTS voices.


This step extracts the pitchmark from the audio recordings. Using a laryngograph can improve this step (TODO: the Makefile should be adapted for that, pull requests are welcome).


This step extracts the mel cepstral coefficients from the audio recordings.


This final step builds the cluster units.

Packaging and installation:

To use the new voice you will need the following files and directories:

  • festvox
  • festival/clunits/upc_ca_pep.catalogue
  • festival/trees/upc_ca_pep.tree
  • wav
  • mcep

Place these files and directories in a directory named $INST_ca_$VOX_clunits (replace $INST and $VOX by your institution and your voice name respectively).

It is highly recommended to add a doc directory with some documentation, copyright information and a suitable license. Given that the clunits voice is mainly data, CC-BY-SA seems a sensible choice. Release your recordings under a free license if you have the chance, so all the community can benefit from them.

The $INST_ca_$VOX_clunits directory has to be copied to festival/lib/voices/catalan/ or to the equivalent directory for your particular distribution (i.e. in Debian would be /usr/share/festival/voices/catalan/.

The voice can be used from festival with the command (voice_$INST_ca_$VOX_clunits) before the tts command.


Build a Catalan clunits voice using festcat scripts






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