is a javascript package for discord with the a lot stuff you need to make your bot programming easy.
is owned by Fex Development and it needs developer join there Discord to apply!!!
only available for node.js v16 or above.
added slash command handler
$ npm install djs-easy
const { TicTacToe } = require('djs-easy')
const game = new TicTacToe({
message: message,
xEmote: '❌', // The Emote for X
oEmote: '0️⃣', // The Emote for O
xColor: 'PRIMARY',
oColor: 'PRIMARY', // The Color for O
embedDescription: 'Tic Tac Toe', // The Description of the embed
const {GuildMember, Message} = require('discord.js')
const minigames = require('djs-easy')
let Snake = new minigames.SnakeGame(Message)
- Message: (Object) is the object provided in client.on('messageCreate') event, if you want to use with slash command, you can provide Interaction which is provided in client.on('InteractionCreate') event in Djs v13.
- ChannelID: (String) is the channelID where you want bot to send the message to which people can react to and open a ticket, more customisation soon...
const { RockPaperScissors } = require('djs-easy')
const game = new RockPaperScissors({
message: message,
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const allIntents = new Discord.Intents(32767);
const client = new Discord.Client({
messageCacheLifetime: 60,
fetchAllMembers: false,
messageCacheMaxSize: 10,
restTimeOffset: 0,
restWsBridgetimeout: 100,
allowedMentions: {
parse: ["roles", "users", "eveoryone"],
repliedUser: true,
partials: ["MESSAGE", "CHANNEL", "REACTION"],
intents: allIntents,
const djseasy = require('djs-easy');
client.on("ready", () => {
djseasy.ModMail(client, {
guildID: "ID",
categoryID: "ID",
staffRole: "ID",
embedColor: "HEX",
anonymousReply: false/true,
closedTitle: "Your Mod Mail Has Been Closed",
closedMessage: "A Staff Member Has Deleted You Mod Mail!",
staffOpenedTitle: "User Opened Mod Mail",
staffOpenedMessage: "The User Opened A Mod Mail And Is Now Wait For A Reply!",
userOpenedTitle: "Mod Mail Created",
userOpenedMessage: "You Created A Mod Mail Ticket!",
wrongEmoji: "EMOJI",
rightEmoji: "EMOJI"
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const Chat = require("djs-easy");
const chat = new Chat({ name: "your bot name" });
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`Ready! Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on("message", async message => {
if( === "chat" && ! {
let reply = await
client.login("Your Token Here");
Launch your bot along with the handler.
const handler = require('djs-easy');
const token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // your bot token
let client = handler(__dirname + '/commands', token, { customPrefix: '-', clientOptions: { disableEveryone: true } });
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(client.user.username + ' has successfully booted up.');
Login when you choose (supply a Client instance instead of a token).
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const handler = require('djs-easy');
const token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // your bot token
let client = new Client({ disableEveryone: true });
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(client.user.username + ' has successfully booted up.');
handler(__dirname + '/commands', client, { customPrefix: '-' });
Example command.
module.exports = {
id: 'ping',
aliases: ['pong'], // defaults to []
channels: 'any', // defaults to 'any'. options are: 'dm', 'guild', 'any'.
// 'call' is an instance of the Call class, a class containing various properties and utility functions.
exec: (call) => {'Pong! ' + Math.round( + 'ms D-API delay.');
Example command using the prompt function.
module.exports = {
id: 'dogcat',
exec: (call) => {
call.prompt('is dog you fav or cat is your fav',
{ time: 60000 }).then((msg) => {
// Resolves with the response.
if (msg.content.toLowerCase() === 'dog')'Boow! Mine too!');
}).catch((exc) => {
// Rejects when the command is cancelled, out of time, or surpasses the maximum amount of attempts.
// In this case surpassing the maximum amount of attempts is impossible since there is no filter.'Cancelled prompt.');
const client = new Discord.client(options);
const { Handler } = require('djs-easy');
client.on('ready', () => {
// replace src/commands to the path with your commands folder.
// if your commands folder contain files then use commandType: "file". otherwise commandType: "folder"
const handler = new Handler(client, { guilds: ["guild id"], commandFolder: "/commands",commandType: "file" || "folder"});
console.log("bot is up!");
const client = new Discord.client(options);
const { Handler } = require('djs-easy');
client.on('ready', () => {
// replace src/commands to the path to your commands folder.
const handler = new Handler(client, {
// Locations of folder should be provided with respect to the main file
// Location of the command folder
commandFolder: "/commands",
// Folder contains files or folders ?
commandType: "file" || "folder",
// Location of the event folder
eventFolder: "/events",
// Guild ID(s) where you want to enable slash commands (if slash command isn't global)
slashGuilds: ["guild id"],
// Add MONGO URI for timeouts
mongoURI: "some_mongo_uri",
// Make all commands slash commands
allSlash: true,
// User ID(s), these users will be considered as bot owners
owners: ["user id"],
handleSlash: true,
/* True => If you want automatic slash handler
* False => if you want to handle commands yourself
* 'both' => in this case instead of running the command itself we will invoke an event called 'slashCommand'
handleNormal: false,
/* True => If you want automatic normal handler
* False => if you want to handle commands yourself
* 'both' => in this case instead of running the command itself we will invoke an event called 'normalCommand'
prefix: "k!", // Bot's prefix
timeout: true, // If you want to add timeouts in commands
// reply to send when user don't have enough permissions to use the command
permissionReply: "You don't have enough permissions to use this command",
// reply to send when user is on a timeout
timeoutMessage: "You are on a timeout",
// reply to send when there is an error in command
errorReply: "Unable to run this command due to errors",
// reply to send when command is ownerOnly and user isn't a owner
notOwnerReply: "Only bot owners can use this command",
console.log("bot is up");
bot.on('ready', () => {
// Custom normal command handler, this function works when handleNormal is 'both'
handler.on('normalCommand', (command,command_data) => {
// handle the command
// command is your normal command object, for command_data go down below to data types
// Custom slash command handler, this function works when handleSlash is 'both'
handler.on('slashCommand', (command,command_data) => {
// handle the command
// command is your normal command object, for command_data go down below to data types
run: async ({ args }) => {
// Wanna get an specific argument of a slash command?
args.get("argument name goes here");
// argument name = the one specified in options.
// Other ways to get options
args[0] // index
args["some name"] // get argument from name
* this event is invoked when Commands are added to client / Commands are loaded
* @param {Collection<string,command>} commands The collection of commands
* @param {Collection<string,string>} commandAliases The collection of command aliases
handler.on('commandsCreated', (commands, commandAliases) => { });
* this event is invoked when a user used a slash command and handleSlash is 'both'
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {Object} command_data the command data, check #types for more information
handler.on('slashCommand', (command, command_data) => { });
* this event is invoked when a user used a normal command and handleNormal is 'both'
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {Object} command_data the command data, check #types for more information
handler.on('normalCommand', (command, command_data) => { });
* This event is invoked when user don't provides enough arguments in a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('lessArguments', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when command is owner only but user is not an owner
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('notOwner', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when user don't have enough permissions to use a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('noPermissions', (command, message) => {
* commands: the command used
* message: the Discord message object
* This event is invoked when user is on a mOnly to use a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('timeout', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when a command is DM only but used in a guild
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('dmOnly', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when a command is guild only but used in a DM
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
handler.on('guildOnly', (command, message) => { });
* This event is invoked when an unknown error occurs while running a command
* @param {command} command the command used
* @param {message | interaction} message The Command Interaction or the message
* @param {Error} error the error
handler.on('exception', (command, message, error) => { });
// file name: help.js
module.exports = {
name: "help", // Name of the command
description: "Get some help", // Description of the command
aliases: ["gethelp"], // The aliases for command ( don't works for slash command )
category: "general", // the category of command
slash: "both", // true => if only slash, false => if only normal, "both" => both slash and normal
global: false, // false => work in all guilds provided in options, true => works globally
ownerOnly: false, // false => work for all users, true => works only for bot owners
dm: false, // false => Guild Only, true => Both Guild And DM, "only" => DM Only
timeout: 10000 | '10s', // the timeout on the command
args: "< command category > [ command name ]", // Command arguments, <> for required arguments, [] for optional arguments ( please provide required arguments before optional arguments )
// Arguments for slash commands
// first method
args: "< command category > [ command name ]", // Command arguments, <> for required arguments, [] for optional arguments ( please provide required arguments before optional arguments )
argsType: "String | String", // OPTIONAL, if you want to specify the argument type
// Available Types: String, Integer, Boolean, Channel, User, Role
// also Sub_command, Sub_command_group but these aren't tested yet
argsDescription: "The command category | the command name", // OPTIONAL, if you wanna add a cute little description for arguments
// Second method
// All properties are required, if not provided than you will get an error
options: [
name: "name of argument",
description: "description of the argument",
require: true or false,
type: "string"
error: async (errorType, command, message, error) => {
// If you want custom error handler for each command
* errorType: errorType ( check in data types at bottom for more info )
* command: the command
* message: the message object
* error: only in exceptions, the error message
// Required
run: async (command_data) => { // you can add custom run arguments
// your command's code
command_data = {
client, // your discord client instance
guild, // the guild in which command was used
channel, // the channel in which command was used
interaction, // interaction if it is an slash command
args, // the array of arguments
member, // the guild member object
message, // the message object if normal command, in slash command it have less attributes ( to check its attribute read slash_message )
handler, // the instance of your command handler
slash_message = {
member, // the guild member object
author, // the user
client, // the instance of your client
guild, // the guild where command was used
channel, // the channel where command was used
interaction, // the ineraction if it is an slash command
content, // the message contnet
createdAT, // timestamps of the message creation
errorType = "noPermissions" | "exception" | "lessArguments" | "timeout" | "dmOnly" | "guildOnly";
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const djseasy = require(`djs-easy`);
const client = new Client();
client.embed = new djseasy.embedbuilder(client).createEmbed
client.on("interactionCreate", (client, interaction) => {
if (interaction.commandName == "embed") {
client.on("messageCreate", (client, message) => {
let prefix = "!";
let args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
let command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command == "embed") {