The Provenance Blockchain Manager is an application for automated startup of nodes on the Provenance Blockchain testnet, mainnet, or localnet which can be used for testing.
Forge is available on Pypi and the repo is on GitHub and can be installed using pip.
pip install forge.pb
pip install forge.pb==1.0.2
if you want to install a specific version
Once installed, you can execute wizard, by running:
forge interactive
You will be prompted on what you want Forge to do. Selecting to bootstrap a node will allow you to select mainnet, testnet, or localnet.
Selecting any of the listed 3 would clone the Provenance Repository if it doesn't already exist, then the version information would be gathered either from the user in the case of localnet, or from mainnet/testnet information on github.
The repo would then checkout to the release version and the binaries would be built, genesis file downloaded/constructed, and a command to run the node would be output to the console.
Forge uses the GitHub Api to pull information about the provenance repo for you to use when spinning up a node. If you use forge a lot in a short time, you could hit the 60 calls per hour limit. You can add a GitHub Api Token to your environment in order to increase this to 5000 calls per hour.
You can follow the instructions Here to setup a personal access token. Once that is complete, add the token generated to your environment:
To get you started with a couple commands:
Initialize and start a localnet node with default values:
forge node start
For a list of all commands:
forge --help
You can also drill into the individual commands for more help and additional commands:
forge node --help
- Python 3.7