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Singularity website

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This is the repo for the Singularity static microsite, (available at

  • This repo represents a static site which requires compilation, but can then be served as a static resource
  • This site can be hosted on any resource supporting static files, but may include some services that require a serverless node
  • The site itself is served statically, but internal navigation is virtualized in the browser: in other words, the site acts as an SPA when browsed on the client
  • While a static site, this app can be extended at any time to a full application by changing the target in settings


  • Requires nodeJS and has been tested on node 16.18 (node 16.18+ required)
  • Uses a Vue framework, nuxtJS 3, deployed in static mode
  • Styles are written in SCSS, and are concatenated and tree-shaken during compile-time


To build this site:

  • Clone this repo
  • Make sure Node.js 16 or newer is installed
    • A version 1 lockfile will not be compatible with this site, so npm 7 or higher must be used
  • Configure a self-signed certificate for local HTTPS support (see next section)
  • Install npm dependencies by running npm ci
  • Then, either generate the static site, or run it in local development mode:
    • To build the static site
      • Run npm run generate
      • A directory dist is created, which contains the static site output
    • To run in local development mode, for features like hot reload:
      • Run npm run dev
      • The site will be available in real time via a localhost URL

Generate a self-signed certificate

In order to run this repo in local development mode, two files must be added to the repo's root directory. The following set of commands apply to a macOS system. However, if mkcert is installed by another package manager, this can be run on any flavor of *nix.

cd ~/.ssh
brew install mkcert # replace with another package manager for linux distro
brew install nss # need to install certutil before running `mkcert -install` so the CA can be automatically installed in Firefox

# at this point, open any https website in Firefox before running the below commands

mkcert -install
mkcert -key-file localhost_key.pem -cert-file localhost_cert.pem localhost
cat localhost_cert.pem > localhost_fullchain.pem
cat "$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem" >> localhost_fullchain.pem

Now, navigate to your project directory, wherever the repo was cloned to, for example cd ~/Sites/work/website and copy the .pem files into the repo root. These keys are .gitignored by default.

Or run the below command to copy the files to your currently cd’d dir automatically

cp -v ~/.ssh/localhost_cert.pem ~/.ssh/localhost_key.pem .

Environment variables

Add the following .env file to the repo root


Updating dependencies

Please use npm ci in place of npm i when not explicitly upgrading dependencies. npm ci will only install versions of packages provided in the lockfile, leading to more stability.

Always regression test the site if upgrading packages, as they may contain breaking changes.

Commit Messages

Commit messages should use the Conventional Commit format. commitlint has been installed to validate this usage. This means that all commits should be prefixed appropriately with a tag denoting the kind of code being committed.

  • feat: A feature, or part of a feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • style: A visual or stylistic change only
  • chore: An operational task, such as routine maintenance, version control related operations, dependencies, etc.
  • refactor: A change to the way the code is implemented, without materially changing the feature
  • perf: A change that is made primarily to improve performance
  • test: Any changes required to run a specific test or try out a behavior for the purposes of testing
  • cleanup: Markup and syntactic cleanup that doesn't affect the code output
  • docs: Documentation-related changes
  • content: Changes to the project's content, such as copy or media


Note: Storybook is currently disabled, disregard this section

To better display the components available on the site, their properties, and the states they might appear in, a Storybook app is included in this repo.

  • Each component that's developed must have its own story
  • Use npm run storybook to run Storybook locally
  • Or npm run storybook-build to generate a static Storybook UI website
  • Storybook automatically deploys to using Github pages. The static build is stored in docs branch under docs folder

Style guide

  1. All file names will be in kebab-case
  2. All component names on import will be PascalCase
  3. The grid used is a flexbox style system called Gridlex, its documentation is also available as a readme in this repo
  4. Color name variables in SCSS are obtained from this resource
  • Release Please automates CHANGELOG generation, the creation of GitHub releases, and version bumps for your projects.
  • It is currently setup as a github action in this repo
  • See documentation on how to use


Static marketing site for Singularity






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  • Vue 76.1%
  • JavaScript 13.9%
  • SCSS 9.4%
  • TypeScript 0.6%