Version 9.7-beta-1
- Added:
- Custom dictionary in site settings.
- Option to change target language and favorite languages in setting page.
- Checkbox to disable translate selected text button in simple interface.
- Auto update for chromium.
- Taskbar button changes color when page is translated. (Also works in chrome).
- Fixed:
- Option Always translate this site does not work if the language of the site is unknown.
- If a translation error occurs due to internet problems, the extension does not try to translate these texts again unless the browser is restarted.
- Material icons are also translated.
- Some extension colors.
- Some bugs when translating sites that use SvelteJS and SolidJS.
- YouTube video title disappears when the extension is translating the site.
- DeepL and Bing do not work.
- Changes: (some changes fix potential bugs)
- Minor performance improvement.
- Now the extension's two interfaces are just called Simple and Complex.
- On the settings page the lists of sites and languages are now in alphabetical order.
- Inform in the simple interface which language the site will be/was translated into.
- The Always translate from [...] option will be hidden if the target language is the same as the original website language.
- Incomplete translations due to error are removed when clicking translate again.
- Check to prevent a null entry being inserted into the persistent cache.
- Convert nodeName to lowerCase to avoid problems with XML nodes.
- Refactored several files.
- Interface localization in 5 new languages. In total, the extension's interface is localized in 40 languages, thanks to everyone who contributed.