The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
Help Needed on Desktop Version
Help with the project Dev Bot
We use Slack as a web chat. Click here to join the chat!
You need modify config.json (config.json.pokemon.example for example) then python --config configs/config.json
More details about config file Please clean up your old clone if you have issue, and following the install instruction.
Dev branch has the most up-to-date features, but be aware that there might be some broken changes. Your contribution and PR for fixes are warm welcome. Master branch is the stable branch. No PR on master branch to keep things easier.
- Search Fort (Spin Pokestop)
- Catch Pokemon
- Release low cp pokemon
- Walking as you
- Limit the step to farm specific area for pokestops
- Use the ball you have to catch, don't if you don't have
- Rudimentary IV Functionality filter
- Auto switch mode (Full of item then catch, no ball useable then farm)
- Ignore certain pokemon filter
- Use superior ball types when necessary
- When out of normal pokeballs, use the next type of ball unless there are less than 10 of that type, in which case switch to farm mode
- Drop items
- Pokemon catch filter
- Google Map API key setup
- Show all objects on map (In Testing)
- Evolve pokemons (Code in, Need input, In Testing)
- Incubate eggs
- Hatch eggs
- Pokemon transfer filter
- Standalone Desktop APP
- Use candy
- Softban Bypass (In Development)
This bot takes a strong stance against automating gym battles. Botting gyms will have a negative effect on most players and thus the game as a whole. We will thus never accept contributions or changes containing code specific for gym battles.
Getting started guide Jump right into installing
We recommend you use virtualenv, not only will this tool keep your OS clean from all the python plugins. It also provide an virtual space for more than 1 instance!
- OS X:
brew update && brew install --devel protobuf
- Windows: Download protobuf 3.0: here and unzip
into a folder in your PATH. - Linux:
sudo apt-get install python-protobuf
Please keep in mind that master is not always up-to-date whereas 'dev' is. In the installation note below change master
to dev
if you want to get and use the latest version.
Make sure you install the following first: Requirements
[Wiki on using the bot web folder](
The example is here
Check the type of your API request in POGOProtos For example: RECYCLE_INVENTORY_ITEM
Convert to the api call in pokemongo_bot/, RECYCLE_INVENTORY_ITEM change to self.api.recycle_inventory_item
def drop_item(self,item_id,count):
Where is the param list? You need check this Requests/Messages/RecycleInventoryItemMessage.proto
Then our final api call is
def drop_item(self,item_id,count):
inventory_req =
- You can now debug on the log to see if get what you need
Here's the introduction Research Website Nice Tool
##Softban Wiki
- eggins -- The first pull request :)
- crack00r
- ethervoid
- Bashin
- tstumm
- TheGoldenXY
- Reaver01
- rarshonsky
- earthchie
- haykuro
- 05-032
- sinistance
- CapCap
- mzupan
- gnekic(GeXx)
- Shoh
- luizperes
- brantje
- VirtualSatai
- dmateusp
- jtdroste
- msoedov
- Grace
- Calcyfer
- asaf400
- guyz
- DavidK1m
- budi-khoirudin
- riberod07
- th3w4y
- Leaklessgfy
- GregTampa
- tejado many thanks for the API
- Mila432 for the login secrets
- elliottcarlson for the Google Auth PR
- AeonLucid for improved protos
- AHAAAAAAA for parts of the s2sphere stuff