This is my portfolio, all project files are sorted into thier coresponding folder (Java, Python, etc.)
This year my main project in java was a weather app using a custom api coded by me. The features include a five day weather forecast, a radar (WIP, not ready yet), and alerts.
This year I focused on API development in python. I wanted to make an API that created a collection of different weather APIs and then allowed you to querey multiple apis at the same time to get a more complete overview of the current weather and conditions.
I also made some art in python this year, including a map of rome for my Mom using the prettymaps module.
I only started to focus on Linux and making my own operating system in the last few weeks of DMA. But in that time I was able to make a simple respin of Arch Linux, using a fork of a tool called ALCI (GitHub - arch-linux-calamares-installer/alci-iso: Arch Linux Calamares Installer) by Erik Dubois). This included a simple calamares installer by Dubois and a simple desktop enviroment called Gnome ( ). My goal for this first iso was not to make something revolutionary, it was just to learn how the tools to make a distro worked, and to package some packages that I use the most, plus a lightwight GUI.