This crate is a pure Rust reimplementation of the font subsystem of U8g2.
It is intended for the embedded-graphics ecosystem.
While this crate is MIT / Apache-2.0 licensed, note that the fonts themselves are not.
For more information about the font licenses, read the license agreement of U8g2.
let font = FontRenderer::new::<fonts::u8g2_font_haxrcorp4089_t_cyrillic>();
let text = "embedded-graphics";
display.bounding_box().center() + Point::new(0, 16),
&mut display,
This example is based on the hello-world
of the official embedded-graphics examples.
If we replace the text rendering section of the example with the code above, it produces this output:
Note that the letter i
sits snug in between the h
and the c
, compared to the original example. This is not a monospace font.