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Using DevWorld 3

Erin edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

Like all minecraft mods, this mod can be installed by dropping it into the mods folder, however this mod was not designed to be used this way, or included in packs. This mod was designed to be included into your gradle environment so you can use it while debugging the mod that you are developing.

To use this mod with gradle, make the following changes to your build.gradle file:

In the repositories { } section add the following:

repositories {
    maven {
        name "Blame Jared"
        url ""

In the dependencies { } section add the following:

dependencies {
    runtimeOnly fg.deobf("ca.fireball1725.devworld:DevWorld3-1.19.2:X.Y.Z:client")

Note: Replace X.Y.Z with the release version of the mod which can be found here

Example: v0.0.5 would be ca.fireball1725.devworld:DevWorld3-1.19.2:0.0.5:client

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