wheresmypi is a service for finding devices on networks that have discovery disabled. This repo contains files for creating a systemd service on the Raspberry pi that will periodically update it's ip address to the wheresmypi service.
Copy update-ip
and update-ip.service
to the pi. Edit update-ip
. Change
NAME as desired. Here is an example:
This will create the name "First Build Pi" in the wheresmypi service. The "%20" in the name is a space and is required instead of a space.
The following will create the name "First Build Pi 123456":
$CODE will be replaced with last 6 hex digits of the ethernet MAC address. This serves to uniquely identify a pi on your network.
Then, move them to the right locations:
sudo mv update-ip /usr/local/bin/
sudo mv update-ip.service /lib/systemd/system/
Then enable and start the service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable update-ip
sudo systemctl start update-ip
The service is now started and you should see the device on wheresmypi.