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Releases: FirstTimeEZ/simple-api-router

Simple API Router - v1.1.1

09 Dec 08:17
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A lightweight, flexible API routing library for JavaScript that provides a simple and extensible way to define and manage API Endpoints.


  • Simple API and Endpoint class structure
  • Easy route and method matching
  • Flexible endpoint handler execution
  • Supports dynamic API routing

Usage Example

This example is taken from a Full Working Example

Defining an API

import { Api, Endpoint } from 'simple-api-router';

const API = new Api("/api/");

API.addEndpoint(new Endpoint("time", "GET", (req, res) => {
    return STATE.respondWithContent(res,, STATE.TEXT_HTML);

const HTTPS_SERVER = createServerHTTPS(STATE.loadDefaultSecureContext(), (req, res) => {
    if (API.checkFindExecute(req, res)) {

Calling an API

fetch("/api/time").then((response) => response.json().then((time) => console.log(time)));

API Classes

Api Class


  • new Api(apiRoute): Create a new API with a base route


  • addEndpoint(endpoint): Add an endpoint to the API
  • checkRoute(url): Check if a URL matches the API's base route
  • findEndpoint(endpointPath): Find an endpoint matching a given path
  • findEndpointCheckMethod(req): Find an endpoint and verify its HTTP method
  • checkFindExecute(req, res): Attempt to execute the handler for a matching endpoint

Endpoint Class


  • new Endpoint(path, method, handler): Create a new endpoint


  • checkMethod(method): Verify the HTTP method
  • executeHandler(req, res): Execute the endpoint's handler
  • executeHandlerArgs(req, res, ...args): Execute the handler with additional arguments

Key Concepts

  • The Api class manages a collection of endpoints for a specific route prefix
  • Endpoint instances define specific path, HTTP method, and handler combinations
  • checkFindExecute method provides a convenient way to route and handle requests

Simple API Router - v1.0.7

09 Dec 04:38
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A lightweight, flexible API routing library for JavaScript that provides a simple and extensible way to define and manage API Endpoints.


  • Simple API and Endpoint class structure
  • Easy route and method matching
  • Flexible endpoint handler execution
  • Supports dynamic API routing

Usage Example

This example is taken from a Full Working Example

Defining an API

import { Api, Endpoint } from 'simple-api-router';

const API = new Api("/api/");

API.addEndpoint(new Endpoint("time", "GET", (req, res) => {
    return STATE.respondWithContent(res,, STATE.TEXT_HTML);

const HTTPS_SERVER = createServerHTTPS(STATE.loadDefaultSecureContext(), (req, res) => {
    if (API.checkFindExecute(req, res)) {

Calling an API

fetch("/api/time").then((response) => response.json().then((time) => console.log(time)));

API Classes

Api Class


  • new Api(apiRoute): Create a new API with a base route


  • addEndpoint(endpoint): Add an endpoint to the API
  • checkRoute(url): Check if a URL matches the API's base route
  • findEndpoint(endpointPath): Find an endpoint matching a given path
  • findEndpointCheckMethod(req): Find an endpoint and verify its HTTP method
  • checkFindExecute(req, res): Attempt to execute the handler for a matching endpoint

Endpoint Class


  • new Endpoint(path, method, handler): Create a new endpoint


  • checkMethod(method): Verify the HTTP method
  • executeHandler(req, res): Execute the endpoint's handler
  • executeHandlerArgs(req, res, ...args): Execute the handler with additional arguments

Key Concepts

  • The Api class manages a collection of endpoints for a specific route prefix
  • Endpoint instances define specific path, HTTP method, and handler combinations
  • checkFindExecute method provides a convenient way to route and handle requests