This application has been developed using Visual Studio’s Python Support.
- Visual Studio Community edition 2019.
- Python support in Visual Studio
If you do not have visual studio installed before hand, follow these steps:
- Download visual studio community edition from here: Visual Studio Installation If python support is not configured:
- Open Visual Studio
- Under Tools dropdown, click on ‘Get tools and features’ to open the Visual Studio Installer.
- The installer presents you with a list of workloads, which are groups of related options for specific development areas. For Python, select the Python development workload and select Install:
- Download the zip file from Github.
- Open the solution (.sln) file in Visual Studio.
- Before running the project, use the script provided in the repository to create the [Club Elections] database on MS-SQL server.
- Open the file from solution explorer and change the conx string variable and set the name of your local server in place of the server written. Change the following:
conx_string = "driver={SQL SERVER}; server=DESKTOP-E9RIB71\SQLEXPRESS; database=Club Elections; trusted_connection=YES;"
conx_string = "driver={SQL SERVER}; server={Your Server on SSMS}; database=Club Elections; trusted_connection=YES;"
- Save the file and click on the run Web Server button to run the project.