A simple command line tool for monitoring and logging 802.11 probe frames
I decided to build this simple python script using scapy so that I could record 802.11 probe frames over a long period of time. This was specifically useful in my use case: proving that a person or device was present at a given location at a given time.
usage: probemon.py [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-t {iso,unix}] [-o OUTPUT] [-b MAX_BYTES]
[-c MAX_BACKUPS] [-d DELIMITER] [-f] [-s]
[-r] [-D] [-l]
a command line tool for logging 802.11 probe request frames
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
capture interface
-t {iso,unix} output time format (default: iso)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
logging output location (default: probemon.log)
-b MAX_BYTES, --max-bytes MAX_BYTES
maximum log size in bytes before rotating (default: 5242880 (5MB))
-c MAX_BACKUPS, --max-backups MAX_BACKUPS
maximum number of log files to keep (default: 99999)
output field delimiter (default: ;)
-f, --mac-info include MAC address manufacturer
-s, --ssid include probe SSID in output
-r, --rssi include rssi in ouput
-l, --log enable live scrolling view of the logfile
-D enable debug output
-e, --exclude file containing MAC addresses to exclude (default: exclude.conf)
-z, --daemon fork process and run in background