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The FlexMeasures Client provides a python package to connect to a FlexMeasures server to manage flexible assets.


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FlexMeasures Client

The FlexMeasures Client provides a Python package to connect to a FlexMeasures server to manage flexible assets.

The Flexmeasures Client package provides functionality for authentication, asset and sensor management, posting sensor data, and triggering and retrieving schedules from a FlexMeasures instance through the API.

As the Flexmeasures Client is still in active development and on version 0.x it should be considered in beta.

Getting Started

To get started with the FlexMeasures Client package, first an account needs to be registered with a FlexMeasures instance. To create a local instance of FlexMeasures, follow the FlexMeasures documentation. Registering to a hosted FlexMeasures instance instead can be done through Seita BV.

In this example we show how to set up the client to connect to either http://localhost:5000 or To connect to a different host, add the host in the initialization of the client.

Install using pip:

pip install flexmeasures-client

To enable S2 features, you need to install extra requirements:

pip install flexmeasures-client[s2]

Initialization and authentication:

from flexmeasures_client import FlexMeasuresClient
client = FlexMeasuresClient(host="localhost:5000", ssl=False, email="", password="pw")
client = FlexMeasuresClient(host="", ssl=True, email="", password="pw")

Retrieve user and account info:

user = await client.get_user()
account = await client.get_account()

Retrieve available assets and sensors:

assets = await client.get_assets()
sensors = await client.get_sensors()

Post a measurement from a sensor:

await client.post_measurements(
    sensor_id=<sensor_id>, # integer
    start="2023-03-26T10:00+02:00", #iso datetime
    duration="PT6H", # iso timedelta
    values=[1,2,3,4], # list
    entity_address=<sensor_entity_address>, # string

With FlexMeasures a schedule can be requested to optimize at what time the flexible assets can be activated to optimize for price of energy or emissions.

The calculation of the schedule can take some time depending on the complexity of the calculations. A polling function is used to check if a schedule is available after triggering the schedule.

Trigger and retrieve a schedule:

schedule = await flexmeasures_client.trigger_and_get_schedule(
    sensor_id=<sensor_id>, # int
    start="2023-03-26T10:00+02:00", # iso datetime
    duration="PT12H", # iso timedelta
    flex_context={"consumption-price-sensor": <consumption_price_sensor_id>}, # int
        "soc-unit": "kWh",
        "soc-at-start": 50, # in soc_units (kWh)
        "soc-max": 400,
        "soc-min": 20,
        "soc-targets": [
            {"value": 100, "datetime": "2023-03-03T11:00+02:00"}

The trigger and get schedule function can also be separated to trigger the schedule first and later retrieve the schedule using the schedule_uuid.

Trigger a schedule:

schedule_uuid = await flexmeasures_client.trigger_storage_schedule(
    sensor_id=<sensor_id>, # int
    start="2023-03-26T10:00+02:00", # iso datetime
    duration="PT12H", # iso timedelta
    flex_context={"consumption-price-sensor": <consumption_price_sensor_id>}, # int
        "soc-unit": "kWh",
        "soc-at-start": 50, # soc_units (kWh)
        "soc-max": 400,
        "soc-min": 20,
        "soc-targets": [
            {"value": 100, "datetime": "2023-03-03T11:00+02:00"}

The trigger_storage_schedule return a schedule_uuid. This can be used to retrieve the schedule. The client will re-try if until the schedule is available or the MAX_POLLING_STEPS of 10 is reached. Retrieve schedule:

schedule = await flexmeasures_client.get_schedule(
    sensor_id=<sensor_id>, #int
    schedule_id="<schedule_uuid>", # uuid
    duration="PT45M", # iso timedelta

The schedule returns a Pandas DataFrame that can be used to regulate the flexible assets.


If you want to develop this package it's necessary to install testing requirements:

pip install -e ".[testing]"

Moreover, if you need to work on S2 features, you need to install extra dependencies:

pip install -e ".[s2, testing]"

Making Changes & Contributing

Install the project locally (in a virtual environment of your choice):

pip install -e .

Running tests locally is crucial as well. Staying close to the CI workflow:

pip install tox
tox -e clean,build
tox -- -rFEx --durations 10 --color yes

For S2 features, you need to add -e s2 to tox:

tox -e s2

This project uses pre-commit, please make sure to install it before making any changes:

pip install pre-commit
cd flexmeasures-client
pre-commit install

It is a good idea to update the hooks to the latest version:

pre-commit autoupdate

Don't forget to tell your contributors to also install and use pre-commit.

New releases on Pypi are made by adding a tag and pushing it:

git tag -s -a vX.Y.Z -m "Short summary"
git push --tags

(of course you need the permissions to do so)

See releases in GitHub Actions at

S2 Protocol


The S2 Protocol integration is still under active development. Please, beware that the logic and interfaces can change.

Run Demo

Run the following commands in the flexmeasures folder to create a toy-account and an admin user:

flexmeasures add toy-account
flexmeasures add user --username admin --account-id 1 --email --roles admin

Launch server:

flexmeasures run

To load the data, run the following command in the flexmeasures-client repository:

python src/flexmeasures_client/s2/script/

Start the S2 server:

python src/flexmeasures_client/s2/script/

In a separate window, start the S2 Client:

python src/flexmeasures_client/s2/script/


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.4. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see


The FlexMeasures Client provides a python package to connect to a FlexMeasures server to manage flexible assets.







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