Simple tool that extracts new strings from "english.xml" file and after translation, it combines new localization XML file with your old translations.
- In order to run this script you need to install Python 2.7. You can get it here
Be sure to add python to path during installation on Windows.
Download contents of this repo and place it in some folder. For example C:\Stationeers_translation
Place your XML localization file and new english.xml file in the same folder.
The easiest way to extract new strings for translation, is to change "polish.xml" to your localization file name in file "extract.bat" and run it.
You can also run the script from CMD/Terminal with command:
python -o polish.xml
python.exe -o polish.xml
This will create a new file called "newstrings.xml" containing all new strings you need to translate.
The easiest way to combine evrything, is to change "polish.xml" to your localization file name in file "combine.bat" and run it.
You can also run the script from CMD/Terminal with command:
python -o polish.xml -c
python.exe -o polish.xml -c
To check avalible parameters run:
python -h