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IMPEx portal for access to scientific Web services

Current Backend libraries used:

  • Scala: 2.10.4
  • Play: 2.3.5
  • Akka: 2.3.4
  • Scalaxb: 1.1.2
  • Swagger: 1.3.10

Current Frontend libraries used:

  • Angular.js: 2.1.14 (incl. various third-party modules)*
  • Typescript:
  • Bootstrap: 3.2.0
  • JQuery: 2.1.1

*please see public/js/bower.json for details

Production version backend includes:

  • current IMPEx configuration file in XML/JSON format (conf directory)
  • offline versions of the XML metadata trees and WSDL files (trees/methods directory)
  • default loading of remote resources and initialisation of actor system (registry and data providers) in Global.scala (default package)
  • controllers for config/tree exploitations including JSON/XML transformation (controllers package)
  • controllers for individual web services of the databases connected to scalaxb SOAP-XML parsers (controllers package)
  • actions for filter and userdata services (Application.scala)
  • swagger annotations for all relevant REST services (methods and registry)
  • actor system with ConfigService.scala, DataProvider.scala (ObsDataProvider.scala/SimDataprovider.scala) and RegistryService.scala ( package)
  • extended actor system with UserService.scala, connected to a HTTP-Session ( package)
  • all needed XML/JSON bindings for the IMPEx configuration file, SPASE-based data trees, as well as for all WSDL files and the VOTable format (models.binding package)
  • auxiliary sources for the scalaxb library (scalaxb / soapenvelope11 package, see:
  • helper services for file operations, ISO time creation and URI creation (models.provider package)
  • root view for the portal map, including all JS includes
  • api view using the swagger-ui package to display to swagger api
  • all used XML Schemas in bindings (xsd directory)
  • specs for all backend components (test directory)

Production version frontend includes: (public directory)

  • all included JS libraries (js/libs directory)
  • libraries for swagger-ui (lib directory)
  • configs for karma/jasmine testing environment (config directory) and related specs (test directory)
  • typescript'ed models for config, service responses, spase, swagger and for user related data
  • typescript'ed models for angular-ui router states (models/state.ts)
  • services (singletons) for distributing data through REST based angular-resource DAOs (ConfigService, MethodsService, RegistryService, SampService, UserService)
  • controller for initial state (ConfigCtrl)
  • controller for portal map (PortalCtrl)
  • controllers for dialogs (MethodsCtrl, RegistryCtrl, UserDataCtrl)
  • directives for taking care of DOM updates and manipulation (DatabasesDir, MethodsDir, RegistryDir, SelectionDir, UserDataDir)
  • html partials and templates for the directives and ui-router states
  • specs for all frontend components (public/js/test directory)


IMPEx portal for access to scientific Web services







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