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WeightNormWeight is now called WeightNormParam
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WeightNorm for several params, single dim

Test for Scalar and Vector dims

Test newly created WN equality

Simplified some bits

Missing last constructor
  • Loading branch information
bhvieira committed Feb 11, 2020
1 parent 41feb43 commit b25397b
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Showing 3 changed files with 43 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Flux.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export gradient

export Chain, Dense, Maxout, RNN, LSTM, GRU, Conv, CrossCor, ConvTranspose, MaxPool, MeanPool,
DepthwiseConv, Dropout, AlphaDropout, LayerNorm, BatchNorm, InstanceNorm, GroupNorm,
WeightNorm, WeightNormWeight, SkipConnection, params, fmap, cpu, gpu, f32, f64
WeightNorm, WeightNormParam, SkipConnection, params, fmap, cpu, gpu, f32, f64

using .Optimise
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57 changes: 32 additions & 25 deletions src/layers/normalise.jl
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Expand Up @@ -371,13 +371,13 @@ end
Weight Normalization.
This layer reparametrizes weights (w) of a layer with its decomposition into magnitude (g) and direction (v).
WeightNorm(layer, weight::Union{Symbol,Int}, dim)
WeightNorm(layer, weight, dim)
``layer`` is the layer being normalized.
``weight`` is the parameter to be normalized.
``weight`` are the parameters to be normalized.
``dim`` is the dimension of normalization.
``dim`` are the dimension of normalization.
Often, its the dimension encoding the output channels.
Expand All @@ -390,55 +390,62 @@ wndB = WeightNorm(d, :W, 1:2); #Now we normalize all directions together, keepin
Link :

struct WeightNormWeight{T,N,I}
struct WeightNormParam{T,N,I}

Base.size(w::WeightNormWeight, i...) = size(w.v, i...)
Base.size(w::WeightNormWeight) = size(w.v)
Base.iterate(w::WeightNormWeight, i...) = iterate(w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim), i...)
Base.getindex(w::WeightNormWeight, i...) = getindex(w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim), i...)
Base.ndims(w::WeightNormWeight) = ndims(w.v)
Base.size(w::WeightNormParam, i...) = size(w.v, i...)
Base.size(w::WeightNormParam) = size(w.v)
Base.iterate(w::WeightNormParam, i...) = iterate(w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim), i...)
Base.getindex(w::WeightNormParam, i...) = getindex(w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim), i...)
Base.ndims(w::WeightNormParam) = ndims(w.v)
Base.length(w::WeightNormParam) = length(w.v)

Flux.@functor WeightNormWeight
@functor WeightNormParam

WN_mag(p, dim) = sqrt.(sum(abs2.(p), dims = dim))
WN_dir(p, mag, eps) = p ./ (mag .+ eps)
WN_dir(p, mag) = WN_dir(p, mag, eps(eltype(p)))
WN_mag(p, dim, eps) = sqrt.(sum(abs2.(p), dims = dim)) .+ eps
WN_mag(p, dim) = WN_mag(p, dim, eps(eltype(p)))
WN_dir(p, mag) = p ./ mag

import Base.*, Base./, Base.+, Base.-
for f in (:+, :-, :*, :/)
@eval ($f)(z::AbstractArray, w::WeightNormWeight) = ($f)(z, w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim))
@eval ($f)(w::WeightNormWeight, z::AbstractArray) = ($f)(w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim), z)
@eval ($f)(z::AbstractArray, w::WeightNormParam) = ($f)(z, w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim))
@eval ($f)(w::WeightNormParam, z::AbstractArray) = ($f)(w.g .* w.v ./ WN_mag(w.v, w.dim), z)

struct WeightNorm{L,E,I,W}
struct WeightNorm{L}

Flux.@functor WeightNorm
@functor WeightNorm

function, wn::WeightNorm)
print(io, "WeightNorm(", wn.layer, ", ", wn.weight, ", ", wn.dim, ")")

function WeightNorm(layer, weight::Union{Symbol,Int}, dim)
function WeightNorm(layer, weight::Vector, dim::Vector)
#Expose layer fields and constructor
func, re = Flux.functor(layer)
#Get the fields
par = [getfield(layer, fn) for fn in keys(func)]
w = getfield(layer, weight)
g = WN_mag(w, dim)
v = WN_dir(w, g)
par[findfirst(keys(func) .== weight)] = WeightNormWeight(g, v, dim)
w = map(weight) do W
getfield(layer, W)
g = map((W, D) -> WN_mag(W, D), w, dim)
v = map((W, G) -> WN_dir(W, G), w, g)
par[indexin(weight,collect(keys(func)))] = WeightNormParam.(g, v, dim)
return WeightNorm(re(par), eps(Float32), weight, dim)

WeightNorm(layer, weight::Symbol, dim::Vector) = WeightNorm(layer, [weight], dim)
WeightNorm(layer, weight::Symbol, dim::Integer) = WeightNorm(layer, [weight], [dim])
WeightNorm(layer, weight::Vector, dim::Integer) = WeightNorm(layer, weight, [dim for _ in axes(weight,1)])

function (wn::WeightNorm)(x)
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions test/layers/normalisation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -196,20 +196,26 @@ end
d = Dense(10, 9, tanh)
gs = gradient(() -> sum(abs2, d(fake_data)), params(d))
W = d.W
for WN_dim in [1, 2, 1:2]
for WN_dim in [[1], 1, [2], 2, [1:2]]
wnd = WeightNorm(d, :W, WN_dim)
gswn = gradient(() -> sum(abs2, wnd(fake_data)), params(wnd))
g = wnd.layer.W.g
v = wnd.layer.W.v
normv = sum(abs2, v, dims = WN_dim)

ΔW = gs[W]
Δg = gswn[g]
Δv = gswn[v]
@test sum(ΔW .* v ./ normv, dims = WN_dim) Δg
@test wnd(fake_data) d(fake_data)
if isa(WN_dim, Int)
normv = sum(abs2, v, dims = WN_dim)
@test sum(ΔW .* v ./ normv, dims = WN_dim) Δg
normv = sum(abs2, v, dims = WN_dim[1])
@test sum(ΔW .* v ./ normv, dims = WN_dim[1]) Δg
@test g ./ normv .* ΔW - g .* Δg .* v ./ (normv.^2) Δv
@test size(Δv) == size(ΔW)
@test isa(wnd.layer.W, WeightNormWeight)
@test isa(wnd.layer.W, Flux.WeightNormParam)
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