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Build, Test, and Deploy master to

There is always something unexpected that happens or something that requires a complex mock setup or whatnot when testing web applications. This project aim at regrouping as many of those solutions as possible, ready to use, as well as multiple small utilities.

If your specific use-case is not covered, you can open an issue then even contribute it.


The packages follows semantic versioning and uses Nerdbank.GitVersioning under the hood to automate versioning based on Git commits.

Hot to use


All packages are available on

To load all testing packages, reference the ForEvolve.Testing package:

Install-Package ForEvolve.Testing


dotnet add package ForEvolve.Testing

Individual packages (App)

To load individual packages, you can:

Install-Package ForEvolve.Testing.Core
Install-Package ForEvolve.Testing.AspNetCore


dotnet add package ForEvolve.Testing.Core
dotnet add package ForEvolve.Testing.AspNetCore

Prerelease packages

For the pre-release packages, use the ForEvolve/Testing packages source.


The repository is divided into multiple projects, with ForEvolve.Testing that references the others.


This project load all of the other projects to create "a NuGet package to rule them all"!


This project contains multiple test helpers.

General assertion extensions

  • An extension on KeyValuePair<string, object> to keyValue.AssertEqual("some key", "some object") that assert the equalities.
  • An extension on Stream to stream.ShouldEqual("some string") that read the Stream then Assert.Equal its value against the specified expectedResult.

IServiceCollection extensions

  • services.AddSingletonMock<TService>() or services.AddSingletonMock<TService>(mock => { /*some setup code*/ }) that add a mock with a singleton lifetime to the IServiceCollection.
  • services.AddScopedMock<TService>() or services.AddScopedMock<TService>(mock => { /*some setup code*/ }) that add a mock with a scoped lifetime to the IServiceCollection.
  • services.AddTransientMock<TService>() or services.AddTransientMock<TService>(mock => { /*some setup code*/ }) that add a mock with a transient lifetime to the IServiceCollection.

IServiceProvider assertion extensions

  • serviceProvider.AssertServiceExists<TInterface>() that GetRequiredService<TInterface>(), throwing an exception if the dependency does not exist.
  • serviceProvider.AssertServiceImplementationExists<TInterface, TImplementation>() that GetRequiredService<TInterface>(), throwing an exception if the dependency does not exist, then validate that its implementation is of type TImplementation.
  • serviceProvider.AssertServicesImplementationExists<TInterface, TImplementation>() that GetServices<TInterface>(), make sure there is at least one implementation of type TImplementation. Throw a TrueException when no binding are of type TImplementation.
  • Multiple other useful method to test the content of the IServiceCollection to ensure that dependencies are registered against the DI Container, under the expected scope. Moreover, those methods are chainable. For example, we could:
        .AssertSingletonServiceImplementationExists<ISomeOtherService, DefaultSomeOtherService>()


This project contains some Asp.Net Core test utilities like:

  • IdentityHelper that creates the plumbing to mock SignInManager<TUser> and UserManager<TUser>. Multiple authentication scenarios are supported.
  • HttpContextHelper that creates the plumbing to mock HttpContext, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse.
  • MvcContextHelper at creates the plumbing to mock IUrlHelper and ActionContext; including support for RouteData, ActionDescriptor, and ModelStateDictionary.
  • An extension method on HttpResponse to httpResponse.BodyShouldEqual("Some value")
  • An extension on WebApplicationFactory<TEntryPoint> to webApplicationFactory.FindServiceCollection() that returns the current IServiceCollection from the specified WebApplicationFactory; this is useful to assert service registration.
  • An extension on IServiceCollection to services.RemoveFilter<TFilter>() that remove the specified filter from MvcOptions. The method rely on PostConfigure<MvcOptions>(...).


I started this project to share test utilities between projects and it now includes multiple testing utilities for .Net Core and Asp.Net Core.

The initial code comes from the ForEvolve.XUnit project, see ForEvolve-Framework.

The future

There is a lot of stuff that I want to improve or add to this library in the future, I will do when I have the time to.

How to contribute?

If you would like to contribute to the project, first, thank you for your interest and please read Contributing to ForEvolve open source projects for more information.

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

Also, please read the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct that applies to all ForEvolve repositories.


Testing utilities for .Net Core and Asp.Net Core







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