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Main Settings

FormerLurker edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 5 revisions

The main settings tab allows you to do the following:

  • Enable/disable Octolapse
  • Enable/disable the nav bar control
  • Adjust the timelapse preview display on the tab
  • Show or hide various information panels that can be useful for debugging or testing
click to see the tab The main settings tab

You can get to the main settings tab by opening the Octolapse settings and clicking on the 'Main' tab.

click to see the main settings The main settings tab

Plugin Status

Here you can enable or disable Octolapse entirely. Note that if timelapse is currently running, it will still complete.

Navbar Control

When enabled, a control will appear in the navbar (to the left of the settings button). This control shows you when Octolapse is running, taking a snapshot, or rendering a timelapse. If you click on the navbar control it will open the Octolapse tab.

Always Display Navbar

When enabled, the Navbar Control will always be visible. When disabled, it will only appear when Octolapse is running.

Latest Snapshot Display

Within the Octolapse tab you can find the most recent snapshot taken by Octolapse. If you click on the image, a larger version will appear.


When enabled Octolapse will automatically download the most recent snapshot as soon as it is available. When disabled you will have the option to refresh the image on-demand. Disable this option if you need to save on bandwidth.

Animation Frames

If auto-reload is enabled, Octolapse will keep a number of frames within your browser's cache and will attempt to build up a preview of the final timelapse. Set to 1 to disable.

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