- The app has a list of questions saved in the react context. Take these questions and create the user interface needed to collect answers.
- Update the app to save the results for multiple users. We will use these answers in the next step. The saved results for do not need to persist through a page refresh but the app should allow full navigation without data loss.
- Follow the designs.
- Display the feedback you collected for each individual user.
- Follow the designs.
- Deploy and provide the URL.
Feel free to use any the following task if you are just getting warmed up:
- Add a “no feedback” state to the review page per designs
- Add A11y testing and update components to comply
- Create a dark theme for the project
- Write some documentation
- Help the app be more responsive
- Implement flagging questions
- Implement rating questions
- Style the 404 page per designs
- Update the app’s data to support multiple feedback collections for a single person
- Write some tests (jest, cypress, react testing library, etc)
Or just do something else you think would would be cool and tell us about it.