Has a leaderboard web app, and API endpoints for choosing fair teams and reporting match results.
Hosted on Heroku.
To run app locally:
bundle exec rails server
To access production console:
- Log into heroku.
- Run:
bundle exec rails console -e production
To deploy:
git push heroku master
To change result of match with id 333 to blue win:
match = Match.find(333)
blue = match.teams.first
blue.result = 1
red = match.teams.last
red.result = -1
To recalculate all ratings from the beginning of time:
heroku run bundle exec rake ratings:build
To dump production data and import locally:
heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U $USER -d discord_bot_web_app_development latest.dump
Example of manually adjust someone's rating:
bvr = Player.find_by(discord_id: 130263999106252800)
europe = DiscordChannel.find_by(channel_id: 513699536846323712)
eu_bvr = DiscordChannelPlayer.find_by(player: bvr, discord_channel: europe)
eu_bvr.trueskill_rating.update(mean: 24.03761382208332)