Repository for the high level analysis of the LST.
The analysis is heavily based on ctapipe, adding custom code for mono reconstruction.
Note that notebooks are currently not tested and not guaranteed to be up-to-date.
In doubt, refer to tested code and scripts: basic functions of lstchain (reduction steps R0-->DL1 and DL1-->DL2)
are unit tested and should be working as long as the build status is passing.
You will need to install anaconda first.
Create and activate the conda environment:
git clone
cd cta-lstchain
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate lst-dev
To update the environment (e.g. when depenencies got updated), use:
conda env update -n lst-dev -f environment.yml
- Install lstchain:
pip install -e .
All contribution are welcomed.
Guidelines are the same as ctapipe's ones
See here how to make a pull request to contribute.
Use GitHub Issues.