This project has the purpose to provide a free streaming app for anime. At this moment we count a 500 titles catalogue, everything dubbed or subbed in italian. I'm sorry for the slow development but i'm alone and i have a job; this is just a side project. The application is open source so you can view the source code and interact with it, if you find a bug feel free to open an issue. (Will add some screen when GUI will be in a good state)
- Homepage
- Search page
- Trending anime algorithm
- Anime that you could like algorithm
- Anime detail and episodes list
- Video player
- Profile management
- Tracking seen episodes
- User favourist system
- Watch later system
After cloning the repo open the terminal and move to the project directory.
Run ng serve
for a dev server.
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.