This software got you some interesting infos when you go somwhere.
In this project, You can use different UI but I recommend strongly to use Tkinter for now. The others are just experimental and prototype.To use the Software, you will need to download the latest build at this link and install and use it.
To use the project, you will need some Hardware :
A Raspberry Pi (Last Version is better) or any Linux computer compatible,
An Internet Connection,
A Micro S.D card (8 Gb Minimum),
An USB G.P.S (Ublox-7) -->,
A Display.
To get a copy of the project, you can go on the GitHub’s webpage of the project and click on the green button to download as a .ZIP file. However, if you’re using a prompt console on an Unix machine use this line :
git clone
To use the project, you will need some Hardware :
A Raspberry Pi (Last Version is better) or any Linux computer compatible,
An Internet Connection,
A Micro S.D card (8 Gb Minimum),
An USB G.P.S (Ublox-7) -->,
A Display.
And you will also need some libraries and softwares :
- Python version 3
- Kivy up to date
- An OS up to date
Be sure to be Up to date with your OS and Python3 environement with this command line:
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo apt-get install florence && sudo apt-get install at-spi2-core
To get and downloaded the files, use this line :
git clone
When the project is Downloaded, check your pi
folder, and you will see the folder Voitures_Infos
When you did it, you will have to launch the file called
to install the dependencies neccessary for the project with this command line :
sudo python3 install
There is another way to install all the dependencies needed:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If some problem during the installation occured, please execute this command :
sudo pip3 install pandas numpy matplotlib kivy geopy pynmea2 pyowm requests Unidecode urllib3 wifi pyserial
To run the project; if you want to see the console activities, you can launch the file called
for Kivy or for Tkinter, just run
into the Command Line Prompt with python3 "file".py
in the main folder.
Please don’t use sudo
, it’s will not work as expected.
That’s how to test features:
python3 <file>.py
In this project we’ve got some folders
Example : Any help or example that I used for the project
Services: Main features
GPS : Features which use the GPS
Main features of the program
- This feature allow to the Main program to get informations about the status of processors(Usage,Temp),RAM(Usage).
- This program allow to get infos about the Wi-Fi link in real time (like quality of the signal out 70).
- : This service allow to the user to get informations about the price of different kind of fuel of where it's located.
- This service gives to the user his speed (Kilometers per Hours Km/h).
- This service makes some arithmetic about the consumption of fuel; this service will be integrated in the whole program when it's will be ready.
Folders inside
- Sounds: Sound Pack used by the Main Program.
- images_defaut & videos_defaut: Images and Videos used by the Main Program.
GPS features of the program
- This Servis gives the Status about the GPS link in real time.
- : Get Compass data by using the "" file's data.
- : Get the location of the user's IP Adress.
- : Get the Weather's data by using *pyown API* and the "" file's data.
- : Get information come from the GPS USB stick and determinate the location.
- : Get data about the ISS location in real time and the forecast of the next visible passage of the I.S.S in the sky above your head.
- : Get a map in the JPG format about your location and the ISS location in real time.
- : Get the emergencies Numbers from where your IP adress is located in the world.
- : This service is used to test the USB GPS STICK if we've got a Signal or not.
- : This useful feature allows you to clean up your folder of the Python cache files.
Folders inside
- MAP_downloads: Maps which got downloaded by the use of YANDEX services.
- Original: I kept the ancient files to renovate all the old stuff and update it.
- Franck ROCHAT - Initial work - Franck ROCHAT Thank You ! ❤️ 🌻