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This is a plugin with a set of many quality-of-life and utility features made for Union 1.0m for Gothic 1 and 2 games. Plugin can also be found on Steam Workshop.


Plugin options can be changed in gothic.ini.

Some of the options can also be changed via ingame menu. (Requires Union 1.0m or higher.)

  • Quickly save / load game with F10 and F12 keys.

    • Shortcuts can be changed with KeyQuickSave and KeyQuickLoad options. A full list of available keys to choose from is there.
    • Range of save slots used for quick save can be adjusted in gothic.ini with MinSaveSlot, MaxSaveSlot options. Default, it's 6 bottom slots.
    • Notice strings are set automatically depending on system language but still can be changed manually in gothic.ini with CantSave, CantLoad and NoSave options.
    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with QuickSaveMode option.
    • Change QuickSaveMode option for different style or disable: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Standard, 2 - Alternative.
    • Game can also be quick loaded from main menu by pressing KeyQuickLoad.
    • Save can be automatically loaded after game start when QuickLoadAfterGameStart is set to 1.
  • Changes name color of focused npcs, containers, doors and items.

    • Npcs: Red - hostile / wants to kill you, Orange - angry / pissed off, Cyan - partymember, Green - friendly, Slightly green - friendly guild, White - neutral / dead, Grey - dead and looted.
    • Lockables: Red - locked on key, Orange - locked, Light red - can be opened with a key or lockpick, Green - open with items, Grey - permanently closed or opened and empty.
    • Items: White - default / item can be taken, Slightly orange - someone will catch the hero stealing.
    • Intractable book stands: Green - unread, White - default / read.
    • Each group can be disabled separately in gothic.ini with ColorNpcs, ColorLockables, ColorItems and ColorInter options.
  • Renders the selected inventory item in the center of the screen instead of in the item description box.

    • Camera in inventory will be shifted a bit, so the item doesn't cover the hero.
    • In Gothic 2 item will be animated only if item has inv_animate property set to true.
    • In Gothic 1 item will be displayed on the left or right when trading.
    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with CenterInvItems option.
  • Renders labels for items in the inventory based on item parameters.

    • All icons are made via website.
    • There are many possible icons to appear when item has right parameters. There are labels even for items that don't exist in original game like shields, helmets, armors requiring attribute and more.
    • Label can be set to render behind item model, so it doesn't cover it. Set PutLabelBehind option to 1 in order to do that.
    • LabelMissionItems option allows items with ITEM_MISSION flag to have special mission flag. This option is disabled by default.
    • Label scale can be adjusted in gothic.ini with LabelScale option.
    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with LabelItems option.
  • Displays a popup when dealing damage.

    • This feature is inspired by New World's damage label and based on AlterDamage popup code.
    • Set DamagePopupMode option to 1 for Alter Damage style, 2 for New World style and 0 to disable this feature completely.
    • Popup scale depends on the amount of damage dealt compared to the target's max hp, the fact if the hit was critical or not and Scale option from SystemPack.ini. Base scale can also be adjusted in gothic.ini with DamagePopupScale.
    • Icons and base colors are unique for every damage type and each can be separately disabled in gothic.ini with DamagePopupShowIcons and, DamagePopupColorDmgTypes options.
    • By default the number has the same color as the icon, but it can be disabled in gothic.ini with DamagePopupColorOnlyIcon option.
  • Adds few features for status bars.

    • Focused npc hp bar is displayed right above his name. This can be disabled with ShowEnemyBarAboveHim option.
    • Added option to show numeric values of status bars. Change StatusBarValueMode option for different style or disable: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Above, 2 - PointToCenter, 3 - Inside. By default, option to show value above bar is active.
    • Optionally, text labels can be set to be displayed right next to the bar value. Set StatusBarNames like so: Health|Mana|Stamina. Leave empty and no text will appear.
    • Health, mana and swim status bars position can be changed with HealthBarPos, ManaBarPos and SwimBarPos options.
      • Four positions need to be defined in a form x1|y1|x2|y2 that reflects a virtual position in 0|0|8192|8192 scope.
      • Default health bar position for systempack Scale=1 is: 43|7873|1122|8085 and for Scale=0: 43|7964|811|8116
      • Default mana bar position for systempack Scale=1 is: 7053|7873|8132|8085 and for Scale=0: 7381|7964|8149|8116
      • Default swim bar position for systempack Scale=1 is: 3556|7873|4635|8085 and for Scale=0: 3712|7964|4480|8116
      • Leave options empty to use default positions.
  • Allows to change world speed multiplier.

    • This feature is completely disabled by default and can be enabled with UseTimeMultiplier option.
    • Time multipliers can be changed with TimeMultipliers option like so: 0.65|1.0|2.7|3.5.
    • World speed will cycle in the order of set multipliers after pressing Z. Shortcut can also be changed with KeyTimeMultiplier option.
    • Currently used multiplier will be shown next to the time icon.
  • Displays protection icon and value next to the focused npc hp bar.

    • Setting ShowTargetProtection option to 0 disables this feature, 1 displays the protection that matches currently used weapon and 2 shows all protection stats.
    • ShowProtOnlyInFight and ShowProtAllDamageTypes are extra options that can be used, to alter what is displayed.
  • Displays coin icon next to the focused npc name if player can pickpocket him.

    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with ShowPickpocketIcon option.
    • Works in G2/G2A only.
  • Changes color of log entry titles in player's log book.

    • New log entries will appear green and updated ones will be orange.
    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with LogBookColoring option.
  • Allows to change color of selected text line in dialogues with SelectedDialogueColor option.

    • Enter any color in R|G|B or R|G|B|A format, e.g.: 30|200|60|255
    • Leave option empty to keep using default color.
  • Allows to use alternative way of opening locks with lockpicks.

    • Essentially, the combination doesn't reset after fail. The player can keep going forward without the need to reenter the already discovered combination over again after every fail.
    • This is disabled by default and can be enabled with RememberLockCombination option.
  • Allows to display current in game time.

    • This is disabled by default and can be enabled with ShowGameTime option.
  • Allows to display currently used munition amount.

    • This is disabled by default and can be enabled with ShowMunitionAmount option.
  • Reminds the player to save the game by displaying an icon with a timer after playing without saving the game for too long.

    • By default, it reminds the player after 5 minutes since the last save game. Timer can be changed in gothic.ini with SaveReminder option. Feature can be turned off completely by setting SaveReminder to -1.
  • Allows killing meatbugs by stepping on them.

    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with TrampleMeatbugs option.
  • Highlights munition used by currently equipped ranged weapon.

    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with ActivateUsedMunition option.
  • Displays on the status bars how much hovered item will heal.

    • Heal value is based on the count value of the item associated with the text that is equal to the original recovery string variables NAME_BONUS_HP and NAME_BONUS_MANA.
    • This feature can be disabled in gothic.ini with RecoveryVisualization option.
  • Allows to use alternative dialogue boxes when talking.

    • This is disabled by default and can be enabled with AlternativeDialogueBoxes option.
  • Display debug info data about focused vob or selected in the inventory item.

    • Use zutilities debug command to toggle on/off.
    • While debug command is active, zutilities showtriggers command can be toggled to display invisible triggers.
  • Insert all items into inventory with zutilities giveallitems command.

  • Check currently used plugin version through in game console with zutilities version command.


Automatically generated plugin section with default settings.
; ... enables (1) or disables (0) a way of killing meatbugs by stepping on them

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) inventory item rendering in the center of the screen instead of the item description box

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) alternative way of opening locks, where discovered combination doesn't reset after fail

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) highlighting currently used ranged weapon munition in the inventory

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) alternative dialogue boxes style

; ... defines color of selected line in dialogues
; ... use 'R|G|B' or 'R|G|B|A' format
; ... leave empty to use default color

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coloring of new and unread topics in logbook

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) on screen display of in game time

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) on screen display of currently used munition amount

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coin icon next to the focused npc name when it can be pickpocketed

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) time speed multiplier

; ... key for cycling time speed

; ... defines time multipliers

; ... Time in minutes after which the reminder to save the game appears on the screen
; ... set to -1 to disable

; ... enables for currently equipped weapon (1) or shows all protection stats (2) or disables (0) protection icon and value next to the focused npc hp bar

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) showing protection stats only during combat

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) showing all protection stats, even if they are 0

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) visualization of healing that hovered in the inventory item gives

; ... specifies mode of showing status bar value, (0) - 'Disabled', (1) - 'Above', (2) - 'PointToCenter', (3) - 'Inside'

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) showing enemy hp bar above his head

; ... defines text label for status bars like so: 'Health|Mana|Stamina', leave empty if text is unwanted

; ... defines position of health bar like so: 'x1|y1|x2|y2'
; ... default position for scale 1 is: '43|7873|1122|8085' and for scale 0: '43|7964|811|8116'
; ... leave empty to use default position

; ... defines position of mana bar like so: 'x1|y1|x2|y2'
; ... default position for scale 1 is: '7053|7873|8132|8085' and for scale 0: '7381|7964|8149|8116'
; ... leave empty to use default position

; ... defines position of swim bar like so: 'x1|y1|x2|y2'
; ... default position for scale 1 is: '3556|7873|4635|8085' and for scale 0: '3712|7964|4480|8116'
; ... leave empty to use default position

; ... specifies QuickSave mode, (0) - 'Disabled', (1) - 'Standard', (2) - 'Alternative'
; ... QuickSave with [F10] and QuickLoad with [F12]

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) load last quicksave immediately after game starts

; ... key for QuickSave

; ... key for QuickLoad

; ... defines min range of used save slots

; ... defines max range of used save slots

CantSave=The game cannot be saved now!
; ... text appearing when game cannot be saved

CantLoad=The game cannot be loaded now!
; ... text appearing when game cannot be loaded

NoSave=Such a save does not exist!
; ... text appearing when something went wrong and incorrect save slot tried to be loaded

; ... name used for quicksaves

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coloring of focused npcs

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coloring of focused chests, doors and other lockables

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coloring of focused items

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coloring of interactive bookstands

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) inventory item labeling

; ... defines scale of the label

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) labeling of item missions, this will overwrite previous label on any item with ITEM_MISSION flag

; ... specifies if the label should be rendered behind the item

; ... specifies DamagePopup mode, (0) - 'Disabled', (1) - 'Alter Damage', (2) - 'New World'

; ... defines base scale of the popup

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) icons for the popup

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) popup coloring by the damage type

; ... enables (1) or disables (0) coloring only the popup icon