Este repositório contém os arquivos criados durante o curso básico de introdução ao IDE IntelliJ Idea. O curso foi ministrado por Camila Cavalcante e oferecido pela Digital Innovation One, como parte do bootcamp Capgemini Fullstack Java and Angular.
This repository contains the files created in the introduction to IntelliJ Idea IDE basic course. The course is instructed by Camila Cavalcante and is part of the Capgemini Fullstack Java and Angular bootcamp, sponsored by Digital Innovation One.
IntelliJ-Idea-CE Community-Edition Introduction Java Git GitHub DIO Capgemini Fullstack Angular Course
- GitHub;
- Java Development Kit (JDK), versão 11;
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM);
- IntelliJ Idea 2021.2.2 (Community Edition);
This sample code is released using the MIT license. For more information see the LICENSE file.