A snazzy neovim plugin to centre your buffer by creating a persistent scratchpad off to the left.
If you're reading this you've probably already got a plugin manager. If not, I
recommend Vim-Plug, but they're essentially
interchangeable. Add the appropriate line in the appropriate spot in your
" vim-plug
Plug 'FraserLee/ScratchPad'
" vundle
Plugin 'FraserLee/ScratchPad'
" packer.nvim
use 'FraserLee/ScratchPad'
" etc...
Run your version of :PlugInstall
and things should be good to go.
nnoremap <leader>cc <cmd>ScratchPad<cr>
By default, all scratchpad windows point to one underlying file
unless changed). They'll auto-save when modified,
reload if the file is changed, and automatically close when all other
windows are gone.
I tend to use them as the digital equivalent of the sticky notes that coat all objects vaguely proximate to my desk, but that's not a requirement.
to toggle the scratchpad:ScratchPad open
opens a new scratchpad:ScratchPad close
closes all scratchpads in the current tab
By default, the scratchpad will auto-open when you open vim, and automatically open / close / resize itself as the window size (and spilt) changes.
Disable scratchpad on startup:
let g:scratchpad_autostart = 0
Disable automatic resizing:
let g:scratchpad_autosize = 0
The assumed width of code, as per what will be centred on screen. Set this to the same thing as any sort of colour column.
let g:scratchpad_textwidth = 80 " (80 is the default)
The minimum width of a ScratchPad before it will - if autosize is enabled - close itself.
let g:scratchpad_minwidth = 12
Change the scratchpad file by
let g:scratchpad_location = '~/.scratchpad'
Auto-focus when opening a scratchpad window:
let g:scratchpad_autofocus = 1
Instead of having one ScratchPad have a fresh one for each day. The old ScratchPads are saved as well. Disabled by default.
Enable daily scratchpad
let g:scratchpad_daily = 1
Change the daily scratchpad directory
let g:scratchpad_daily_location = '~/.daily_scratchpad'
Change the daily scratchpad file name format using lua os date
let g:scratchpad_daily_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
Edit colour with
hi ScratchPad ctermfg=X ctermbg=Y
I've added a line to disable the virtual-text colour column in scratchpad buffers if that plugin's found, since I think these two pair pretty well together. If you want to get something looking similar to the screenshots, here's a start.
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
Plug 'fraserlee/ScratchPad'
Plug 'lukas-reineke/virt-column.nvim'
call plug#end()
" ------------------------------ SETUP ---------------------------------------
se nu " Turn on line numbers
se colorcolumn=80 " Set the colour-column to 80
noremap <SPACE> <Nop>
let mapleader=" "
" <space>cc to toggle ScratchPad
nnoremap <leader>cc <cmd>ScratchPad<cr>
lua << EOF
require('virt-column').setup{ char = '|' }
" -------------------------- COLOUR SCHEME -----------------------------------
colorscheme gruvbox
let g:gruvbox_contrast_dark = 'hard'
se background=dark
" Set the colourcolumn background to the background colour,
" foreground to the same as the window split colour
execute "hi ColorColumn ctermbg=" .
\matchstr(execute('hi Normal'), 'ctermbg=\zs\S*')
hi! link VirtColumn VertSplit