Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as (JPG, PNG) images. The exported images can be a combination of multiple layers.
To export your Inkscape file as an image open an inkscape file with multiple layers (otherwise you can simply use the in-built export tool 'Ctrl + E').
There are two options for your layers when exporting:
- Fixed: If a layer label starts with "[fixed]"" this layer will always be exported and combined with other layers. It is very useful for backgrounds or fixed elements.
- Export: If a layer label starts with "[export]" this layer will be exported along with any [Fixed] layer and combined in a single image.
Check this example:
The layer [fixed] background is a fixed layer and will always be exported combined with the [export] layers.
If could make this export, we will get two images: the combination of background + version1 and background + version2
To use the extension once your layers are ready:
- Go to Extensions > Export > Export layers
- Choose the path you want to save your file to (inkscape does not allow to use a file explorer, sorry)
- Choose the format of your export (JPG, PNG)