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Getting started with the GOOSE Embedded Platform Version3

Muhammad Saad edited this page May 7, 2020 · 15 revisions

This page explains a step wise procedure to setup the GOOSE embedded platform V3 for initial tests.

Note: The same steps apply for GOOSE embedded platform V1 and V2 also, the only difference is in the interface connections.


  1. GOOSE embedded platform V3
  2. Power supply 12 Volts, 2 Ampere
  3. USB 2.0 cable (Serial control interface) GOOSE_Embedded_V3_components



Power supply connection

  • Take care of red dots GOOSE_Embedded_V3_power_conn

Serial control cable connection


Connect other end of USB with Linux PC


Plug in Power supply


Connect Antenna


Connect Ethernet cable


Serial connection with Linux PC

  • Use the picocom command in Linux to connect with the serial control interface as: picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0


    • In this example port ttyUSB0 is detected by the kernel. Here is a quick method to check which port is detected by the kernel. After plugging in the USB cable, you just issue: dmesg | grep tty. This will output the tty devices detected by the kernel, in the order that they were detected and with a time stamp.

Turn ON the receiver


Kernel booting

  1. Kernel booting starts as: GOOSE_Embedded_booting_starts

  2. Kernel booting completes as:


Login details

  • goose login: root
    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete
  • password: root
    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete
  • After logged in:
    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete

Initial tests to check if everything works fine

  • Enable the antenna power, if the antenna requires. The output is 4.5V DC, max. 80 -100 mA. It is disabled by default. Over-current is indicated by the LED on the front-end board (V603). To enable the power type: antenna_power_on

  • Disable the antenna power, if the antenna is already connected with power or does not require power. To disable the antenna power type: antenna_power_off

  • Print the HW/SW version of the platform by typing: print_version

    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete
  • Test if GNSS satellites can be acquired by typing: acquire_os -9.58e6 L1 lsb f type acquire_os --help for details

    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete
  • Acquisition results for GPS L1 with roof antenna, using the above command:

    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete

Receiver output using Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  • If it is desired to see the PVT, sky plot and signal information via Graphical User Interface (GUI) follow the wiki page GooseGUI

Safely shutdown the system

  • Type shutdown -h now as:

    • GOOSE_Embedded_booting_complete
  • Kernal pannic at the end (current problem)

    • GOOSE_Embedded_kernel_pannic_shutdown