Ribbon v2 is the next version for Ribbon's Theta Vault product. It brings several major improvements to the vault and makes the vault operations decentralized.
v2 changes include:
- Decentralization of Theta Vault operations
- Improved capital efficiency (100% of vault funds are utilized)
- No more withdrawal fees, switching to performance fee
- Meta-Vault strategies by composing multiple Theta Vaults
Ribbon v2 uses hardhat-deploy to manage contract deployments to the blockchain.
To deploy all the contracts to Kovan, do
yarn deploy --network kovan
The deployment info is stored on disk and committed into Git. Next, we have to export out the deployed addresses in a parseable format for the frontend to use (JSON).
yarn export-deployments
Finally, we can verify the contracts on Etherscan:
yarn etherscan-verify --network kovan