Small diary of how hard I have found each challenge and discussing solution
Not the hardest start. Pretty straightforwards. Hardest parts were remeber how to use C++ algorithms and data structures.
Not that hard again. I think there is probably a better way of working out the scoring, but my naive approach works so I'm happy to just leave it.
Part 1 was easy, had to refactor a fair amount for part 2. Not sure solution was most optimal but happy with how scores were calculated as I think that is fast as can be. Sets solution is quite memory-heavy so I wonder if there is a better way of doing that.
Wasn't too bad today, the catch in part 2 was actually making sure one of the lower bounds was less than or equal to the other upper bound. Not too hard.
The actual challenge wasn't very hard, it was easy to adapt part 1 to part 2. The main pain was digging out the initial crates data from the text file.
Easy to solve, just going through characters finding subsets.