Private properties for your classes. It saves you to define a function on top of each module to get a namespace.
import privateData from "incognito";
class Cup {
constructor() {
privateData(this).content = "water";
getContent() {
return privateData(this).content;
Every build and release is automatically tested on the following platforms:
If your platform is not listed above, you can test your local environment for compatibility by copying and pasting the following commands into your terminal:
npm install incognito
cd node_modules/incognito
gulp test-local
Copy and paste the following command into your terminal to install Incognito:
npm install incognito --save
// ES6
import incognito from "incognito";
// ES5
var incognito = require("incognito");
// Require.js
define(["require"] , function (require) {
var incognito = require("incognito");
So simple. Read the instructions at the top.
See something that could use improvement? Have a great feature idea? We listen!
You can submit your ideas through our issues system, or make the modifications yourself and submit them to us in the form of a GitHub pull request.
We always aim to be friendly and helpful.
It's easy to run the test suite locally, and highly recommended if you're using Incognito.js on a platform we aren't automatically testing for.
npm test