Kerboscript syntax for Vim. Maintained (so far).
Depends on your plugin manager. For vim-plug users:
Plug 'Freedzone/kerbovim'
- booleans
- bound vars
- braces, brackets, etc
- built-ins
- comments
- conditionals
- constants
- delegates declarations and references
- function declarations and calls
- keywords
- loops
- numbers, floats (all notations)
- operators (boolean and math)
- statements
- strings
- todo
- types
- indent: 4 spaces
- enabled
- could not make
work. Dot delimiter results in very poor experience
If you wish to enhance your experience with features like autocomplete, hover symbol highlight, signature help, refactoring, etc., I highly suggest to try out kos-language-server.
To pair up KLS with Vim I used an intellisense engine - coc.nvim.
The configuration is rather simple. KLS should be available in PATH on your system. In your coc-settings.json
"suggest": {
"autoTrigger": "always",
"enablePreview": true,
"minTriggerInputLength": 2
"languageserver": {
"kls": {
"command": "kls",
"args": ["--stdio"],
"shell": true,
"filetypes": ["kerboscript"],
"initializationOptions": {},
"settings": {}
If you want to display diagnostic info through ALE, add this option:
"diagnostic": {
"displayByAle": true