This is a game I created for #1GAM to try, learn and potentially show others the Rust language. It uses rust-sdl and has its own OpenGL bindings. The game itself isn't that great, but it is the most basic form of airhockey I could think of.
This project might be of use for others: it shows handling structs (Paddle, Puck), boxed pointers, traits (GameObject), operator overloading (vec2) and generally how to set up a game using rust-sdl and OpenGL.
rust-airhockey requires rustc 0.6 to compile the project.
To compile rust-airhockey use rustpkg:
$ rustpkg install
After building using rustpkg the binary is available here:
Alternatively you can build rust-airhockey locally. First install rust-sdl:
$ rustpkg install
Now you can compile rust-airhockey:
$ rustc
To run rust-airhockey:
$ ./airhockey