Practice custom data structures.
Also testing Github Actions on that repo.
Sequence structure, implements list with feature, where indexes go by cycle.
graph LR
A --> B --> C --> D --> E
graph LR
A --> B --> C --> D --> E --> A
So, if in default List
you try to get 5th element from that sequence, you'll get IndexError: list index out of range
But with LoopList 5th element will be A again, 6th = B, 9th = E, 10th = A again and etc.
Same with negative indexes: -1th element == E, -2th = D, -5th == A, -6th == E again and etc.
That structure also supports slices, but currently without step, so you can try get slise [-2:7]
and that will return list [D,E,A,B,C,D,E,A,B]
Idea was inspired by Josephus Problem and with that structure solution will look like that:
ring = LoopList(range(1, n + 1))
while len(ring) > 1:
ring.rotate(k - 1)
del ring[0]
return ring[0]
That structure implements matrix interface on nested list.
Matrix <|-- NumericMatrix
Matrix <|-- BitMatrix
class Matrix{
-_values : [[T]]
-_width : int
-_height : int
+width int
+height int
+size tuple
+is_square bool
+rotated_... Matrix
+mirrored_... Matrix
+main_diagonal [T]
+__setitem__(key, value)
+from_nested_list(list of lists)
+from_joined_lists(w, h, list)
+get_minor(i, j)
class NumericMatrix{
+zero_matrix(n, [m]) NumericMatrix
+identity(n) NumericMatrix
+trace : int or float
+determinant : int or float
class BitMatrix{
+zero_matrix(n, [m]) BitMatrix
+identity(n) BitMatrix
MatrixIterator --o Matrix
MatrixIterator: matrix
MatrixIterator: WALKTHROW_TYPE
MatrixIterator: +__init__(Matrix)
MatrixIterator: +__iter__()
MatrixIterator: +__next__()
# Creating examples
m1 = NumericMatrix.from_joined_lists(3, values=range(9))
m2 = Matrix(2, 2, [['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']])
m3 = NumericMatrix.zero_matrix(size=4)
m4 = BitMatrix.from_lists([True, False], [False, True])
# Comparing
assert m1 != m2 # Supports compating between matrix
assert m2 == [['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']] # And directly with nested list
# Math
# A, B : NumericMatrix
assert A + B == B + A == C
assert A += B
assert A == C
# Same with subtraction
# Multiplication implements matrix multiplication, so:
assert A * B != B * A
# Trace and Determinant:
# Transformations
assert A.rotated_clockwise.rotated_counterclockwise == A
assert A.mirrored_horizontaly.mirrored_horizontaly == A
# Bit operations - implements bit logic between elements
# A, B : BitMatrix
assert A & B == B & A
assert A | B == B | A
assert A ^ B == B ^ A
assert -(-A) == A
# Indexing and slicing