These are my spec files of some apps that are not available for Fedora. The specs are used in copr to build the packages.
- RPKG quick start
- Preparing software for packaging
- My COPR profile
- Packaging: SourceURL
- Downloading sources at build
- Packaging problems and solutions
- Creating a basic Spec File
These are the available COPRs and how to use them:
To install the most recent version of i3-gaps:
sudo dnf copr enable fuhrmann/i3-gaps
sudo dnf install i3-gaps
To build locally:
rpkg local --spec i3-gaps.spec
Link to COPR: fuhrmann/i3-gaps
To install the most recent version of git friendly
sudo dnf copr enable fuhrmann/git-friendly
sudo dnf install git-friendly
To build locally:
rpkg --spec git-friendly.spec
Link to COPR: fuhrmann/git-friendly
To install the most recent version of ctop
sudo dnf copr enable fuhrmann/ctop
sudo dnf install ctop
To build locally:
rpkg --spec ctop.spec
Link to COPR: fuhrmann/ctop
rpmdev-bumpspec --comment=summary of changes --userstring="Name <email>" file.spec
rpkg build project-name --spec file.spec