Work summary
In summary, this release aimed to provide the same configuration options already available via API to the final user. To do that was created a menu that users can interact intuitively as cab be seen in the following image:
Moreover, a matrix panel was created to visualize and configure metrics calculations such as accuracy, precision, and f1score:
Finally, general visual improvements were made to issue user-friendly compliance. This includes not only library visual enhancements but also website organizational and visual enhancements.
Issues developed/solved:
List of enhancements:
- #7: Add more zoomIn and zoomOut range values;
- #8: Add change history feature (with undo and redo);
- #12: Add support to add and remove lines and columns;
- #17: Transpose matrix feature on tools menu;
- #18: Allow users to choose which metrics to show;
- #19: Possibility to change the order of lines/columns;
- #20: Save confusion matrix as json;
- #22: Should import data from json file;
- #24: Add configurations menu to statistics component;
- #25: Add metrics panel;
- #26: Add freely draggable feature to metrics panel;
- #27: Change intensity colors;
- #28: Add normalize option to tools menu;
List of bugs solved: