This engine is inspired by Codename, Psych and a little bit of V-Slice!
Like most fnf related engines, I use HaxeFlixel. Did I mention I coded most of this from scratch?
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There are things about both engines I love a lot, but there are some things I think feel off or wish they'd been done differently. So I decided to make my own engine!
- The base game weeks. Tutorial and Weeks 1 through 7.
- Device support for desktop and mobile! In the beginning it'll probably just be Windows and Android getting the most work done. Mac, Linux and IOS will be available in time.
- Script system. Hscript is already working within the current build of the engine. I do also plan to add Lua but without all that getProperty nonsense.
- The Erect remixes will also be available. Not too sure how to fully handle V-Slice content. Weekend 1 and Pico mixes will also be available but as a standalone mod for the engine.