We extend FairMOT with a forecast head to predict current and future objects locations:
Multiple Object Tracking and Forecasting: Jointly Predicting Current and Future Object Locations
This paper introduces a joint learning architecture (JLA) for multiple object tracking (MOT) and multiple object fore- casting (MOF) in which the goal is to predict tracked ob- jects’ current and future locations simultaneously. MOF is a recent formulation of trajectory forecasting where the full object bounding boxes are predicted rather than trajecto- ries alone. Existing works separate multiple object track- ing and multiple object forecasting. Such an approach can propagate errors in tracking to forecasting. We propose a joint learning architecture for multiple object tracking and forecasting (MOTF). Our approach reduces the chances of propagating tracking errors to the forecasting module. In addition, we show, through a new data association step, that forecasting predictions can be used for tracking objects dur- ing occlusion. We adapt an existing MOT method to simul- taneously predict current and future object locations and confirm that JLA benefits both the MOT and MOF tasks.
Run this after cloning repo:
conda create -n JLA
conda activate JLA
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/CharlesShang/DCNv2
cd DCNv2
- In order to run the code for demos, you also need to install ffmpeg.
We use the same training data as FairMOT.
- Forecast Data To generate past and future data for training the forecast branch, run
cd src
python gen_past_bboxes.py
python gen_future_bboxes.py
Download the training data into data folder or soft link your root data directory to the data folder.
Generate the forecast labels.
To train on half Mot17 datasets and evaluate the performance, run:
sh experiments/mot17_half_ft_ch_jla.sh
- To train on mix datasets (crowdhuman pre-trained model) and evaluate the performance, run:
sh experiments/mix_ft_ch_jla.sh
A large part of the code is borrowed from FairMOT. Thanks for their wonderful works.
title={Joint Learning Architecture for Multiple Object Tracking and Trajectory Forecasting},
author={Oluwafunmilola Kesa and Olly Styles and Victor Sanchez},