python -m pip install screenapi-cli
screenapi-cli --help
screenapi-cli setup --api-url "<api-url>" --api-key "<api-key>" --max_workers 15
check all options with screenapi-cli setup --help
touch urls.txt # create a urls.txt file and add urls, one line == one url
screenapi-cli scrape urls.txt #
check all options with screenapi-cli scrape --help
screenapi-cli export --input-dir "<path to scraper's output>" # check below
example : scraped flipkart urls, and export execl file in default location
screenapi-cli export --input-dir "flipkart" # `flipkart` will convert into `/path/to/screenapi-cli/config/output/flipkart` and --output-file will be `/path/to/screenapi-cli/config/output/flipkart.xlsx` and --sort-by will be `sl`
example: custom input-dir , custom output-file
screenapi-cli export --input-dir "~/Downloads/scraped" --output-file "./flipkart.xlsx"
output_dir = /path/to/output
max_workers = 15
api_url = *****************
api_key = *************************
namespace = ******-****-****-****-*********
export_dir = /path/to/export
check all options with screenapi-cli export --help