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Paul edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 1 revision

The image processing pipeline is the central construct of our project. When provided with images from a flyover, the pipeline computes indices (i.e. vegetation index, moisture content) to estimate relevant information and provides insights (e.g. nutrient deficiencies, infestations - see Computer vision locally. This data is saved in the database and can be visualized in the user interface or used for further analysis (e.g. model training, statistical analysis).

multiple stitched

Input images before and after stitching.


To make the code extendable, maintainable, and multithread, the pipeline is divided into modules. Modules are run sequentially, and each can have multiple implementations that execute different logic but compute the same type of data. We distinguish the following modules:

  • Mosaicing module - transforms the flyover images into a single farmland bird's eye view image. Moreover, the module creates non-overlapping patches used in subsequent pipeline stages.
  • Index module - computes pixel-level indices that provide general information about the field
  • Insight module - evaluates the database and indicates to provide actionable and localized insights that identify issues and improve farming efficiency
  • Segmentation module - computes pixel-level masks for a number of different annotations that can be directly shown to the user
  • Preprocessing module - performs a number of image preprocessing steps depending on the usage of the result further in the pipeline. Most commonly, it is a prerequisite before the Index and Segmentation module

Each module automatically verifies its dependencies (e.g. to identify moisture content near-infrared spectrum is required) and provides statistics about no. of executions, success rates, and processing times.

Pipeline configuration

To configure a pipeline, you must provide the input data and module types you'd like to run. This is done through the config class:

from .types import Modules
from pipeline import Pipeline

cfg = Config(modules={StandardizePreprocess: None,
                          Insight: {"config": None, "runnables": [TomatoDiseaseInsight]}},
                cloud=CloudConfig(False, "terrafarm-example"))
pipeline = Pipeline(cfg)

Running this code will spawn a pipeline instance that can perform a job. The pipeline creation might fail if the configuration is invalid, e.g. when the user wants to detect an insight that relies on the NDVI index, but that index isn't calculated by the pipeline.

Running the pipeline

To run the pipeline use .run():

from .Mat import Mat

imgs: list[Mat] = ...

Note that the input images must be wrapped in the Mat class (wrapping a cv2.Mat class) to support images with various multispectral layouts.

Implementing modules

The pipeline modules utilize OOP principles heavily in order to be chainable and to enable simple performance reporting and analytics. We discern three types of module-related objects and the pipeline data object:


To add functionality, implement one of these abstract classes.


The runnable is the simplest form of a pipeline element, implementing a single functionality (e.g. calculation of an index). While it is the building block of modules, the user can implement Runnables that are then triggered by modules.


The module is a logical part of the image processing pipeline, chained sequentially with other pipelines. A module will perform its functionality when being run(), saving relevant data in the pipeline data object. Once the run() is complete, the pipeline will upload data specified in the to_perstist() method to the data persistence layer (Cloud Storage, Firebase).

Parallel module

The parallel module is a module that can run multiple threads of execution at the same time, essentially allowing parallel module invocations. Parallel modules implement logical groups of functionalities, such as the calculation of all indicies (e.g. NDVI and Mositure) that do not rely on each other.

Pipeline data object

The data object contains all data relevant to the pipeline job. The pipeline initializes the data object dynamically through the use of the prepare() method. Note that, similarly to constructors, the preparation of your implementation should follow the preparation of the base class.