The frequency of geological and meteorological disasters has increased in recent years worldwide due to the effects of climate change and increasing population density in vulnerable areas. Appropriate measures can prevent or reduce the impacts of hazardous events and have the potential to avert disaster. To allocate resources where they are most needed, risk-based planning is of utmost importance. Furthermore, cost-benefit analysis of measures supports coherent and systematic decision-making.
The MiResiliencia Offline enables the assessment of risks for disasters caused by various natural hazards and evaluates the cost-effectiveness of disaster risk reduction measures in a quantitative and standardized manner. Using a Windows based offline GIS with a user-friendly interface, MiResiliencia Offline integrates hazard information (intensity and recurrence), as well as vulnerability and resilience criteria. It considers structural as well as non-structural measures and calculates risk for the direct and indirect impacts of disasters, including risk of damage to infrastructure, disaster mortality or economic losses.
The project was financed by the SDC Honduras and accompanied by Swiss Red Cross. All parts of the code are available under the Apache Software Licence 2.0. The conception and development of the project is done by GEOTEST AG, Switzerland
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