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Javascript URL View Helper

jszanto edited this page Aug 30, 2016 · 1 revision

If you need to create dynamic routes within JavaScript code, we have the JavaScript URL Helper for that. Here we have two components.

First, to be able to use a route in JavaScript code, you need to tell the ScriptUrl view helper to expose that URL to the JavaScript URL helper. You do this in the view where you need the JavaScript URL helper. For example:

// for a route `home` without any parameters

// for a route `activity/show` with a parameter `id`
$this->scriptUrl()->requireUrl('activity/show', ['id']);

Now, in JavaScript code (even in *.js files), you can use these routes almost like you are using the normal URL view helper:

text = '<a href="' + URLHelper.url('home') + '">';

// or with parameters:
text = '<a href="' + URLHelper.url('activity/show', { id: 32 }) + '">';