This project is documentation only. It uses poetry to install the necessary components for authoring these.
A Github Action workflow will publish the output to a github pages site.
- mkdocs user guide
- mkdocs-material documentation
- about mermaid Diagrams with mkdocs-material.
git clone nshm-documentation
cd nshm-documentation
poetry run install
poetry run mkdocs serve
This will create a server running on http://locahost:8000 by default. Changes made in you editor should be immediately visible here.
Use regular git commits PRs etc to manage the review process with your co-authors.
To get a pdf of the Data Management Plan (DMP):
poetry run mkdocs -f mkdocs_dmp.yml
A pdf file will be created in the directory hosting the website at pdf/NZHSM_DMP.pdf
For VSCode recommend installing the extension Markdown Preview Mermaid Support
which gives a close approximation of mkdocs formatting.