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Lauren Ancona edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 1 revision

1. Google Spreadsheet template

  1. Make a copy of the Spreadsheet template (contains gScript for processing submissions)

  2. From main Sheets menu, select Tools > Script editor

  3. From the Script editor main menu, select Publish > Deploy as web app

    a. enter Project Version name and click Save New Version

    b. set Execute the app as to User accessing the web app

    c. set Who has access to the app to Only myself

    d. Click Deploy

  4. Back in the Spreadsheet, select the Settings sheet tab, and copy the value of WebAppURL

  5. In Google Tag Manager, paste the value you copied into the WebAppURL Custom Variable (TODO: can this be read from the sheet by GTM? Could a custom UI button push this to GTM, where the container ID is added to the Settings tab on the sheet?)

2. Google Tag Manager

  1. Download gtm-recruiter-to-gsheet.json

  2. If needed, create a Tag Manager account. (If GTM is already in use on the site and you have access to the container, skip to Step 4)

  3. Create a new Tag Manager Container and Publish the (currently empty) container.

  4. In Main Menu under Admin > Container, select Import Container (TODO: TEST import to a GTM container).

    a. For Choose Container File, select the file you downloaded above.

    b. For Choose workspace:

    • For new containers, select New

    • For existing containers, select Existing

    c. For Choose an import option select Merge

  5. Install (or have agency install) the Tag Manager snippet code in the site template.

  6. Create any specialized Triggers in Tag Manager, e.g. "Only show recruiter on pages in /directory", etc. for the following Tag:

    • recruiter.js Controls where the recruiter "tab" appears within the site. By default, it is set to appear on all pages that have the GTM snippet installed.
  7. Test GTM config correctly loads recruiter locally (see Preview and Debug containers)

  8. Publish GTM container.

Reminder: this is equivalent to pushing code to production and should follow any QA + testing standards.